A balanced diet AUCB-1/3 is the best medicine, a cure for all diseases, along with outdoor exercise, and moderate sun exposure

W.Minh Tuan

People in modern society today have too many diseases, and people try to find cures, and ways to eat and exercise to live healthy, disease-free, or to cure diseases that people are facing.

Regarding diet, people recommend the Mediterranean-Mediterranean Eating Pattern-MET diet, which is considered best for health, as some experts explain that the MET diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, lots of nuts, beans, lots of olive oil, lots of fish, little meat, little milk, little cheese, little butter, little yogurt.

This MET way of eating is indeed better than the way of eating in Europe, such as America, England, France, Germany, Italy, etc., which has too much starch such as potatoes, bread of all kinds, and too much industrial fat like milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, and too much meat like fried chicken, hamburgers, processed meat like sausages, ham, hot dogs, red meat like beef , lamb, too many eggs, too many sweet desserts, appetizers, such as cakes, ice cream, chocolate, jam, and too many snack foods such as potato chips, snacking nuts,, ,.

But is the Mediterranean diet really good for your health?

Looking at the vegetables, tubers, seeds, and fruits of the MET diet that experts offer on the internet, we see that there are too many toxic dishes in the Mediterranean diet formula.

For example, nuts like almonds contain a lot of oxalate toxins.

Oxalate is a toxin produced by fruits and vegetables to protect themselves. If animals have weapons to protect themselves, such as legs to run, horns to fight, claws to attack, wings to fly, then trees have no weapons to protect themselves. That’s why nature has created for plants, vegetables, tubers, seeds, and beans a very powerful weapon, called oxalate, anti-nutrition, so that if you eat that vegetable or fruit, you will be poisoned and possibly die.

For example, beet green, a vegetable that has recently been praised as being good for health, actually has too much oxalate. In 1949, Cornel University in the US conducted an experiment, feeding a flock of baby chicks with beet green leaves and tubers. After 2 weeks, all of the experimental chicks died from oxalate poisoning.

Yet in the list of Mediterranean dishes that people give, beet green is a favorite dish of Mediterranean people???.

When scientists fed horses vegetables and grass that were high in oxalate, the horses’ heads began to swell, their legs began to limp due to joint pain, and their faces also swelled.

Although sheep have a higher immunity than horses to toxic vegetables, they will still die if they eat a lot of oxalate-rich vegetables.

In 2006, scientists in Egypt fed beet green vegetables to a flock of 48 sheep. They trembled, gritted their teeth, had dry mouths, and showed signs of fear of anything occurs as sound and light.

Egyptian scientists used medicine to detoxify these sheep, saving 46 sheep. The remaining 2 sheep died and could not be saved.

Looking at the list of vegetables that some nutritionists have given, saying that they are good nutritional dishes of the Mediterranean, we see: beet green, okra, almond, eggplant, sweet potato, potato , tomato, spinach,,,.

All of these vegetables are high in oxalate, which is very toxic.

Therefore, American doctor Sally Norton, author of the famous book “Toxic Supperfood“, expressed doubts about interpretations of Mediterranean food.

How about olive oil?

It is true that olive oil is better than other cooking oils, such as sesame oil, peanut oil, rice oil, sunflower oil, cotton oil,,,.

But olive oil also has a side effect, that is, it has substances that destroy insulin, which is a substance that balances blood sugar levels. You probably know that people with diabetes have to inject insulin into their bodies to balance blood sugar levels.

But olive oil destroys and prevents the production of insulin in the body, which means if you eat a lot of olive oil, you may get diabetes.

Therefore, it is said that Mediterranean people eat healthily because they eat a lot of olive oil, but I am afraid that is not the case.

How about avocado?

People also praise the avocado, saying that it has many health benefits, and is also a main dish of the Mediterranean people. However, avocado has a very dangerous side effect, which is that it clots the blood. If you eat too much of it, it will cause clotting in the blood vessels, causing blood to not flow, like having a cerebral embolism.

Therefore, if you eat a little avocado in moderation, you may safe well, if you eat too much, you will be burned. It’s best not to eat avocados.

Many people say that if you avoid eating toxic foods, then avoiding them all and fasting is best.

Saying that is not correct.

There are many non-toxic dishes that you can eat freely. Only people who eat and drink in a hurry, who only like to eat delicious food, do not know limits, do not know how to control, say that.

Vegetables and tubers that are low in oxalate are: lettuce types, such as iceburg, butterhead, bibb, romaine, mashrooms, cucumber, kimchi, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onion, radish, kale, turnips, red bell pepper, green peas, green bean, mung bean, chestnust, pumkin, corn on cob, green bell pepper, asparagus, broccoli, , ,,.

We can freely eat these vegetables without fear of oxalate poisoning.

Meats, chicken, pork, beef, fish, shrimp, oysters, snails, crabs, chicken eggs, duck meat, geese, of course do not contain the anti-nutrient oxalate, so we can eat with peace of mind, of course in moderation according to the balanced diet formula that I will talk about below.

However, the above mentioned vegetables not only contain the toxic substance oxalate, but also many other anti-nutrients, which we must be intentional and consume in moderation. For example, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, although they have many good nutrients, they contain harmful substances that prevent the absorption of the mineral iodine, which if we lack, we will get goiter, which people got it in common in the mountainous areas of Northern Vietnam.

Therefore, we should also eat cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower in moderation.

What about spinach? Evil people praise the benefits of spinach, saying that it has all kinds of vitamins, iron, copper, aluminum, manganese, etc. There is even a cartoon about a small sailor who eats spinach and becomes strong and has huge muscles, enough to defeat any enemy bigger than him.

But spinach is one of the most toxic of all toxic vegetables.

Try eating spinach for a week without eating other vegetables, you will get food poisoning.

In 1939, the American Journal of Nutrition published a research article on spinach, saying that scientists fed rats spinach, and out of every 12 rats that ate this vegetable, 5 died. The remaining mice, although not dead, suffered from diseases such as weak bodies, weak bones, thin, brittle bones, reduced weight, and were unable to reproduce. Males could not mate with females, and even though there is mating, there is no reproduction at all.

Dr. E.F. Kohman of the Research Laboratory of the National Canners Association, in Washington, DC, initially intended to study the wonderful benefits of spinach, which he and his colleagues intended to give to rats eat this vegetable to prove that this vegetable provides enough calcium for mice.

It didn’t expect the opposite result, that spinach is very toxic, not good at all.

Research results in 1968, 1988, 1989 in the US also showed similar toxic results of spinach.

But it seems there are people who want to hide these research results, and still promote the wonderful benefits of spinach, so around the world, people still consume a lot of spinach, especially in Japan, there is no vegetable store that doesn’t have spinach.

It’s just like cigarettes are harmful, but cigarettes are sold everywhere.

Green tea and black tea also contain many toxic substances, not only oxalate, but also many other toxic substances, but humans have been drinking green tea for more than 3,000 years.

Coffee, although low in oxalate, has other toxins that are very harmful, but there are still studies to prove that coffee is good for health.

That’s why people continue to get sick more and more, epidemics spread more and more, and people rely on medicines and hospitals.

What about the school of vegetable eating?

American boxer Mike Tyson, after 4 years of eating vegetables, has now stopped eating vegetables and has returned to eating meat, but he said he only eats chicken, not beef, because he is afraid that beef causes violent and prone personalities of assault. Mr. Tyson said that when he was young, he had a violent, quarrelsome personality, perhaps because he ate a lot of red meat-beef!!!.

American doctor Sally Norton wrote the book “Toxic Superfood”, about the toxic substance oxalate in foods and drinks, and she has been a vegetable eater for 20 years, but she suffers from all kinds of diseases, including goat disease, is a disease that is still believed to only be caused by eating too much meat and fish. Yet she only ate vegetables for 20 years and still got goat disease. In addition, insomnia, bone and joint pain, genital pain, fatigue, rashes,,,.

Finally, after she graduated from Cornell University, Department of Nutritional Sciences, and graduated with a Master’s degree from the University of North Carolina, Department of Public Health, she understood the cause of her illnesses. Eating too many vegetables that contain toxic oxalates, and lacking nutrition from meat, fish, and eggs.

She changed her diet, giving up sweet potatoes, which she loved, and eating only vegetables that are low in oxalate, and began increasing her intake of meat, fish, and eggs. Since then, her health has improved, and she wrote the book mentioned above to advise people to eat foods with less oxalate.

But Dr. Sally’s book also has its shortcomings, because she only cares about oxalate, not other issues, so some of her advice may not be quite right. For example, she said coffee is low in oxalate, so it’s safe, or milk, butter, cheese, ice cream, and carbonated drinks are safe, because they’re low in oxalate.

That’s a mistake.

Sparkling carbonated drinks are not good for health, ice cream, dairy foods, such as milk, butter, cheese, etc., all have very bad side effects.

Eating a lot of dairy products can cause cancer, and all kinds of obesity, diabetes, skin diseases, neurological diseases, paranoia, fear, sinus disease, stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, etc. ,.

The book “This is your brain on food” by American female psychologist-nutritionist, Uma Naidoo, from Harvard Medical School, USA, has very good ideas about eating and preparing food, therapeutic nutrition.

But this book is not concerned with oxalate toxins, but only with other nutrients in foods. So Dr. Naidoo advises people to eat spinach, eat almonds, and eat all kinds of other dry nuts that are very toxic and very unhealthy.

Four years ago, I followed the advice of the US Harvard Chang’s School of Medicine website that eating nuts according to the Mediterranean diet formula was good for health, such as almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, black beans, sesame seeds, peanuts,,,.

All of these seeds do not have fresh seeds, only dry seeds, with no nutrition. And most of these particles contain the toxic substance oxalate.

But at that time I didn’t know that, I just blindly followed Harvard Medical School, that nuts were very good for health.

The name Harvard made me very confident in following this foolish advice.

I have been eating the above mentioned nuts for about 6 months, and I suddenly found that, first, the muscles in my body became flabby, they did not have enough capacity to carry my body. Before, it was normal for me to sit on the train in Tokyo for one or two hours a day, but now, I only sit for 15 minutes before my ass starts to hurt, because the muscles in my butt are too flabby, not hard enough to carry my body, my ass bone was stuck to the train seat, without the cushion of ass meat like before.

I had to bring a cushion to sit on the train, but my ass still hurt.

Second, sometimes I go out to eat at a restaurant, and when I walk home, I have a stomach ache and can’t walk because the muscles in my intestinal wall are too weak and flabby and not strong enough to carry food in my belly, when I move.

But third, and the scariest, is that gradually, my eyelids lost their elasticity and could no longer open and close normally. When I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t open my eyes because my eyelids were dry and stiff and no longer elastic. I woke up at 7:00 a.m., but it took more than an hour for my eyes to open normally.

I went to the doctor, but no doctor could guess what was wrong with me.

Finally, I thought to myself, analyzed myself, maybe it was just because I ate dried nuts according to the advice of Harvard Medical School, that my body was destroyed.

At that time, I only understood that dry nuts do not have the same nutrition as fresh vegetables and seeds, so when I eat those dry nuts, my body lacks nutrition, so my muscles become flabby, and my skin becomes flabby, dry, lose elasticity, so eyes cannot be opened.

Now reading more of Dr. Sally’s books, I understand more that those dry nuts are not only devoid of nutrition, but also contain a lot of toxic oxalates.

I stopped eating dryed nuts following Harvard’s advice, and went back to eating fresh foods, and since then, I only eat fresh foods, not any dried or processed foods.

Since then, my body has now returned to normal, supple, youthful, and healthy.

I wonder if Mediterranean people eat a lot of these dry nuts, will their bodies become flabby, both because of lack of nutrition and because of oxalate toxicity?

Now, I create my own balanced diet – AUCB 1/3 – as follows: (In Vietnamese language, A for Ăn-eating, U for Uống-drinking, CB for Cân Bằng-balanced)

Every day, eat a plate of salad including: assorted salad greens, iceburg, bibb, headbutter, romaine, cucumber, a little chopped onion, on top add soft-boiled eggs, or hard-boiled eggs. Then boiled or braised chicken, poached salmon, or lightly fried. Then fried fatty pork with onions. A little bit of beef has fat.

I don’t use any cooking oil, including olive oil. When cooking, I only use a little water, lightly frying with water, simmering, or stir-frying.

I have no concept of frying with fat, and I never eat fried food.

A little cooked brown rice, a bit like thick porridge, or white rice, a little brown bread, don’t eat white bread.

A little mashed potato mixed with cucumber, a little boiled carrot. Carrot also has a lot of oxalate, so only eat it in moderation, and do not eat it raw, it must be boiled.

A little pumpkin, a little stir-fried bean sprouts mixed with chives, onions, and fatty pork.

All of the above dishes can be interchanged, today eat chicken, tomorrow eat beef, the day after tomorrow eat fish.

But salads and eggs are eaten every day.

And the amount of food is 1/3 vegetables, 1/3 rice, bread, 1/3 meat, fish, eggs.

In short, my eating pattern of AUCB is roughly 1/3 vegetables, 1/3 meat, 1/3 rice, and only eat fresh foods, no dry foods, no processing food, and skip foods high in oxalates, or:

AUCB 1/3.

And the way to eat is: eat slowly, eat 1/3 of the salad first, then eat mixed, put a piece of rice in your mouth, then put a little vegetable in, chew together thoroughly, slowly, letting the saliva soak into the food. When you eat a piece of meat, fish, or egg, you also have to put a little vegetable in your mouth and chew it well, slowly, don’t eat it quickly.

With this AUCB 1/3 balanced diet formula, it can be said that we will be able to cure all kinds of diseases, and never have to go to the doctor.

Of course, you also need to exercise outdoors, walk, run, take a cold shower in the morning, walk barefoot, not wearing shoes, surf the web less, watch TV less, give up carbonated drinks, soft drinks, quit coffee, chocolate, quit alcohol, quit green tea, quit toxic foods and drinks.

Doing all of the above is not easy.

But when we have a serious illness, we see that being healthy is the most valuable and worthwhile thing to do.///

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