Aerobic exercise has better effects than other sports

W.Minh Tuan-(Based on news in the world)

Aerobic exercise is a type of exercise that repeats the same movements over a long period of time to train the body’s flexibility and endurance.

But not only that, but most importantly, aerobics exercises the muscles of internal organs, such as the stomach, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spine, and blood vessels in this area.

We can see that we can lose our arms, legs, eyes, ears, buttocks, thighs, but we cannot lose our organs, we cannot lose our liver, kidneys, stomach,,, .

All forms of sport have their flaws.

When riding a bike, the thighs are big, but the chest is flat, and especially, in the buttocks, ass, and genital areas, it is easy to develop acne and pain, because the legs have to move a lot, but the buttocks, ass, and genitals are not move at all, prone to acne and pain. The genitals sitting motionless on the bicycle saddle do not move at all, and are compressed by the bicycle saddle, causing blood and circulation congestion in this area.

I rode a bicycle for 2 weeks in Tokyo, every day about 20 km, going out 10 km, and going back home 10 km, and after 1 week, acne and pain began to appear around my genitals. I immediately guessed it was due to blood stagnation while cycling. So I had to quit cycling for a month, and had to drink lemon juice every day to detoxify myself.

It took a month to completely heal. Since then, I limit cycling and mainly walk.

Swimming has a perfect effect on almost the entire body, but there is one biggest limitation of swimming, which is that the body cannot sweat, and sweating is a great benefit of sport in general.

If you exercise without sweating, the benefits of exercise are halved.

Regarding weight training, gym training means resistance exercise, which means the body always has to train against the weight of dumbbells, or other types of lifting, pulling, pushing, etc. tools. That is very good for muscle development, changing the structure of the entire body, from skinny, weak, flat chested, slender limbs, to broad chested, muscular muscles, the body changes completely, more muscular, more beautiful.

However, the limitation of Gym-muscle training is that it only focuses on the external muscles, the external skeleton, but pays little attention to training internal organs, stomach, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.

A heavily muscled weightlifter cannot stand and twist, curl his butt, or tummy for a few minutes like those who do aerobic exercises, so the aerobic exercisers’s internal organs are more supple and stronger than those who exercise at the gym.

Aerobic training people have a lot of bulging muscles, those women can crunch their butt, belly toward forth and back, right and left for 30 minutes, or even 1 hour, while those weightlifters can’t crunch their stomachs for more than 5 minutes.

Regarding running, it is also very good for health, mainly for the heart, making the heart stronger, but it also does not have much effect on the stomach, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, and internal organs. Because I have been practicing running for 13 years, from 2011 to now 2024, running 5 km once a week, my heart is very strong, my heart rate is stable, and quite slow, only about 60 beats per minute, very ideal. Before running, my heart rate was about 72 beats per minute.

Now, when walking fast, climbing stairs to the 5th, 7th floor, climbing mountains, climbing slopes, I never gasp for breath like everyone else.

But when I tried aerobic exercise, I couldn’t curl my butt, belly, or back moving for more than 3 minutes. That means my internal organs cannot be as strong and flexible as those who do aerobic exercises.

Harvard University in the US also conducted experiments on sports to see which sports are best, and found that aerobic dancing is the best, better than all other types of sports, better more than yoga, more than walking, more than running, more than weightlifting at the gym,,,.

So recently, I divide my time, exercise 10 minutes on the gym every day, and do aerobic exercise for 10 minutes, and still maintain the practice of running 1 time 3 km a week, running slowly, and still maintain fast walking a few kilometers every day, and exercise in the morning for 10 minutes daily.

Therefore, although I am 65 years old this year, I look no more than 40 years old, and am in good health, youthful, and love life.

But it’s not just about exercising, but more importantly, eating a balanced diet, eating enough meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, rice, bread, but the most important meal is beef.

There are many opinions that red meat is toxic, and meat in general is toxic, just eat vegetables,,,.

Those opinions are wrong. I will discuss in detail the balanced diet section.

In conclusion, aerobic training on internal organs, stomach, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, internal glands, is the most magical effect of aerobic exercise.

Specifically, the effects of aerobic dancing are as follows:

1-Increase muscle strength:

When first starting aerobic exercise, practitioners often feel tired. However, in the long term, aerobic exercise helps increase the body’s endurance and reduces fatigue better.

At the same time, heart and lung fitness, bone and muscle strength also improve over time;

2-Prevent viral diseases: Aerobic exercise activates the body’s immune system to work better. This reduces the risk of practitioners contracting minor viral illnesses such as flu and colds;


3-Reduce the risk of some diseases: Aerobic exercise helps reduce the risk of some diseases conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke and some types of cancer. Aerobic exercises like walking can reduce the risk of osteoporosis;

4-Control chronic diseases: Aerobic exercise can help reduce blood pressure and control blood sugar levels. These exercises can also reduce pain and improve function in arthritis patients.

At the same time, aerobic exercise also helps improve quality of life and physical fitness in cancer patients. People with coronary artery disease can also control their condition with regular aerobic exercise;

5-Strengthen the heart: A stronger heart will pump blood more effectively, improving blood flow to the body’s organs;

6-Reduce the risk of clogged arteries: Aerobic exercise increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – a good type of cholesterol. At the same time, aerobic exercise also reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) – a type of bad cholesterol. Thanks to that, exercise helps reduce plaque buildup in the arteries;

7-Improve mood: Aerobic exercise can reduce stress caused by anxiety, ease symptoms of depression and promote greater relaxation.

At the same time, it also has the effect of improving sleep.

8-Improve health for older people: Aerobic exercise keeps muscles healthy and maintains mobility. At the same time, it also reduces the risk of injuries and falls in older adults. From there, aerobic exercise helps improve quality of life.

In addition, aerobic exercise also helps the mind become sharper, protecting the memory, reasoning, judgment and thinking skills of older people. At the same time, it also prevents dementia and improves cognition in people with dementia;

9-Helps live longer: Studies have shown that people who diligently participate in aerobic exercise will live longer than people who do not exercise regularly. At the same time, people who diligently practice aerobics also have a low risk of death from many causes such as cardiovascular disease, cancer,…

10-When doing aerobic exercise, the body releases natural pain-relieving hormones called endorphins, so it enhances the feeling of happiness, you do not feel body aches, or pain during sex, thanks to that, you always feel in love with life, optimistic and happy.///

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