The great health benefits of meat, beef which the US Department of Health does not know.

W.Minh Tuan (compiled from sources around the world)

  1. Slimming, reduce fat, no more obesity:

The US Department of Health recommends that beef is  red meat, which is not good for health.

Any meat, beef, chicken meat, pork meat, fish, egg are good for health. And beef is the best.

The US Department of Health advises people not to eat more than 70 grams of red meat a day, because red meat – beef, lamb – causes cancer, increases bad cholesterol, causes obesity, causes cardiovascular disease, and causes high blood pressure, causes diabetes, causes skin diseases,,,.

That is wrong, stupid, ignorant advice.

I don’t know how many medical experts there are in the US Department of Health, how many doctors, how many nutritionists, and how much money the US budget has to spend to support that expert apparatus, but they are really stupid, really ignorant, even though they are known as the most powerful and civilized America’s medical experts in the world!!!.

The US Department of Health does not know that eating beef  meat helps you lose weight, reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, is good for the heart, cures insomnia, cures diabetes, cures depression, cures neurological diseases, treat skin diseases, rashes, skin fungus, treat eye pain, toothache,,,.

Eat at least 300 grams of beef a day, you will immediately see the good effects of beef meat on the first day you eat beef.

Eat less vegetables, less fruit, less rice and bread, and more meat, beef.

You will see your life completely turn a new page.

I have had insomnia for 10 years, even though I eat a balanced diet, eat enough meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, exercise, no alcohol, no tea, no cigarettes, no coffee, no promiscuous lifestyle, exercise for 15 minutes every day, walk a few kilometers every day, and run 3 kilometers once a week, dance aerobic every day, training dumbbell every day.

However, insomnia cannot be cured.

However, only after I started eating beef meat, about 200 grams to 300 grams a day, reduced rice, vegetables, and fruits, I slept like a log, without having to use any sleeping pills.

It’s amazing.

If all obese people eat enough beef, reduce rice, bread, vegetables, and fruits, they will lose weight and gain muscle.

If you weigh 120 kg, if you eat about 500 grams of beef every day, after 3 months, you will lose weight to about 90 kg.

Please try eating beef.

  1. Strengthen muscle: Beef, especially beef shank, is rich in ammonia acid, higher than any other food, which has the effect of increasing muscle, especially improving body health.
  2. Rich in vitamin B6 and protein: Beef has a large amount of vitamin B6 and protein so it needs to be increased in the diet. Beef contains enough vitamin B6 that can help you build immunity, protein helps metabolize and synthesize food, contributing to body recovery after intense activities.
  3. The mineral carnitine and sarcosine (a substance linked to cancer) levels are very low. Carnitine is mainly used to support fat metabolism, chain amino acids to keep the body in balance, amino acids are very good in building muscles.
  4. Lots of potassium: Beef contains many minerals such as protein and potassium, and these two minerals are indispensable in the diet. Low potassium levels inhibit protein synthesis as well as growth hormone production, which will affect muscle growth.
  5. Lots of good oils: The fatty acid content in beef is low but rich in synthetic linoleic acid, which is effective against antioxidants that can cause damage when practicing sports such as weightlifting. tissue. In addition, linoleic acids can also participate in muscle maintenance.
  6. Rich in magnesium and zinc: Magnesium and zinc contribute to protein synthesis and antioxidants to promote muscle growth. Salts of glutamic acid and vitamin B6 and zinc interact to strengthen the immune system and more importantly can increase the efficiency of insulin metabolism.
  7. Beef is rich in iron, and iron is an essential mineral for the blood, replenishing the body’s blood volume and preventing anemia.
  8. Beef contains a lot of vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is necessary for cells, especially red blood cells that carry oxygen to muscle tissues. Vitamin B12 promotes branched chain amino acid metabolism, thus providing the body with the energy needed during intense activities.

FAT LOSS thank to using OF BEEF

For many years now, beef has been given a bad hat by the media, and experts, making many people not dare to buy even the leanest beef.

Beef has a very rich nutritional content that can enhance immunity, provide energy for cells, and strengthen muscles. corn.

Delicious beef is rich in protein, contains vitamin B12, zinc and also contains Cytocilin – a fat burning substance.

The iron in 1kg of beef will be equal to 3 cups of spinach juice and the zinc content is also very high.

Beef also contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, celenium and vitamin B. In addition, half of the fat in beef is monounsaturated fat (unsaturated), so eating beef does not increase cholesterol levels. l okay.

Vitamin B12 in beef can convert harmful amino acids in the body into harmless molecules, reduce fat, reduce heart disease, brain hemorrhage and osteoporosis.

The mineral selenium in organic beef also reduces the incidence of colorectal cancer, helps the liver function and is an anti-oxidant in the body. Zinc in lean beef can enhance the elasticity of blood walls, reducing blood pressure. prevents arteriosclerosis, is also necessary to maintain the normal function of the immune system.

Let’s eat grass-fed beef, because it contains many essential fatty acids, vitamin E and β carotene.

This type of beef contains two “good quality” fats: monounsaturated fats and fatty acids. It does not contain artificial fatty acids and is a very good weight loss food.

Grass-fed beef is also a natural source of CLA. Beef is relatively low in total fat and calories.

Compared to skinless chicken thigh meat, the fat content of more than a dozen types of beef is lower, such as tender meat from thighs, beef belly or rump meat, tenderloin.

The quality of beef labeled “premium grade” is very fresh and delicious, but the fat content is often higher than other normal beef.

100g of beef can provide over 60% of the body’s daily protein needs.

A study has shown clearly: with the same amount of cholesterol, the cholesterol content in grass-fed beef is less than in chicken.



Reasons why men should eat beef.

Beef is considered an important part of nutrition for muscle growth, especially for bodybuilders, this food is especially important.

Many scientific experiments have also confirmed that to be effective, you should maintain a daily diet of at least one or two servings of beef. Not only those who are aiming to improve their physical condition, but also men, there are reasons why they should not forget this food dish on the menu.

Beef is rich in creatinine, which is essential for building muscle.

The level of creatinine in beef is greater than any other food, which makes it especially effective in the growth of muscles and improving strength.

Beef is high in carnitine, which is also necessary for building muscle

Chicken, pork, and fish all have low levels of carnitine, while the content of this substance in beef is very high. Carnitine is primarily used to support fat metabolism, it is an amino acid that plays an important role in muscle growth in bodybuilders.

Beef is rich in vitamins

When exercising, protein and vitamin B6 requirements in the daily diet must be increased. Beef contains enough necessary amount of vitamin B6 which can help you enhance immunity, promote metabolism and protein synthesis, contributing to body recovery after intense exercise.

B6 also has an extremely important effect, which is to create good sleep, and create the ability to recall beautiful dreams after sleeping, called Dream recall. If you often have no dreams when you sleep, then vitamin B6 has a miraculous effect, you will only have beautiful dreams, you will completely disappear nightmares and sweating, which often occur, it will be fun dreams, and lots of very interesting sexy dreams.

For dinner, try eating 200 grams of beef, any type, you will immediately have a deep sleep, and have beautiful dreams that night.

Not to mention beef will help you, both men and women, have strong sexual desires and strong positive feelings.

The beef that cures sleeping is amazing.

I have had insomnia for more than 10 years and have to take a sleeping pill every night. But since I eat beef, about 300 grams to 500 grams a day, I no longer need to take sleeping pills, and every night I sleep like a log, and don’t have to wake up many times to urinate at night as before.

The US Department of Health recommends that you should not eat more than 70 grams of beef per day, which is very stupid and wrong.

The US Department of Health has advised Americans to consume more vegetables, fruits, and cooking oils, so Americans are the most obese in the world today.

Beef itself helps reduce fat, lose weight, increase muscle, but the US Department of Health does not know that.

Beef is high in potassium and protein

Potassium is one of the minerals essential for the development of bodybuilders. Low levels of potassium limit protein synthesis and growth hormone production, thereby affecting muscle growth.

Beef is rich in protein: 100g of lean tenderloin can produce 22 grams of protein.

Beef incorporates rich linoleic acid

Beef is low in fat, but contains a rich combination of linoleic acid, these antioxidants can be effective in counteracting movement in damaged tissues.

Additionally, linoleic acid can also act as an antioxidant to maintain muscle mass.

Beef is rich in zinc and magnesium

Zinc plays an important role in helping protein synthesis, promoting muscle growth, and preventing oxidation. Zinc and glutamate and vitamin B6 work together to help strengthen the immune system.

Beef contains rich amounts of iron

In contrast to the low iron content in fish, chicken, turkey, and beef is rich in iron, an essential mineral for blood formation.

Beef is rich in alanine

Role of alanine from dietary proteins and sugars. If your carbohydrate intake is in short supply, alanine can provide the muscle energy needed to alleviate the shortfall, allowing your body time to compensate.

The biggest advantage of this amino acid is that it has the ability to release muscles under the weight of energy supply.

Beef is rich in vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential in carrying oxygen to muscle tissue cells. It promotes the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids, providing the body with the energy it needs to meet high intensity exercise.

Beef consumption is diverse

Eating chicken for weeks or even months can seem boring.

However, with beef it is different.

You can use many different parts of beef such as corn, tenderloin, ribs, rump… or simply the difference in slicing will help you create many different delicious dishes.

Thanks to that, the menu is always attractive instead of boring.

That’s something regular chicken can’t compare to.

I no longer to eat chicken meat, pork meat.

Only beef meat, and sometime, salmon, and eggs.///

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