Vaccines and masks are meaningless if you don’t change your lifestyle

We can count how many people are infected and died by corona COVID19, but cannot count the great damage caused by the WHO’s policy of escaping from corona, such as stay at home, blockade-lock down, social distancing, wear masks, wash hands, but do not wash masks, and get vaccinated.

You can see the absurdity of vaccines, because now there is a 4th dose of the vaccine, and it probably doesn’t stop there.

Masks are meaningless, even dangerous. Masks are very dirty things, after you put them on for a few minutes, the mask starts to stink, full of harmful germs, and is a home for corona.

The mask is a mobile corona hub.

With the advice of WHO about wearing a mask, each person wears a corona center in their mouth, and it is called corona prevention.

Vaccines make no sense, because now vaccine companies are rolling out a fourth dose, and it may not stop there.

If the vaccine works, it’s only one dose. How come there are 3 doses, 4 doses, and probably more.

Wearing a mask is really a suicide.

Social shutdown is a disaster.

Social distancing is stupidity.

Staying at home is madness.

Washing your hands but not washing your mask is silly.

Vaccination is self-harm.

Four doses of the vaccine are enough to prove that the vaccine is completely ineffective, if not dangerous.

US President-elect Biden said that on January 20, 2021, when he takes office as President, the first thing he will do is ask Americans to wear more masks, both outdoors and indoors.

He paused, not to mention that he would order everyone to wear masks 24/7.

President Biden does not understand that masks are very dirty, wearing a dirty mask means you bring corona wherever you go.

And now, August 2022, President Biden is calling for a 3rd and 4th vaccination. It looks like President Biden forgot the mask.

We can see that always wearing a mask will destroy our health, making people susceptible to corona COVID19.

The mask is right next to the nose, but the hands are far from the nose, why only wash your hands, not the mask, nose, mouth?

Now, all of the world is wearing a mask, 90% of the world is wearing a mask, but corona continues to increase.

If your home needs ventilation, your mouth and nose also need ventilation to keep breathing in and out clean and easy.

Always wearing a mask is like keeping the windows of your house closed, and you are always breathing polluted air, dirty air, stinking air, bacteria-laden air in your home.

Currently, on trains, restaurants, schools are always open windows and open doors for ventilation, so why do you always close your mouth and nose with masks?

It is very dangerous to always wear a mask.

Now all the world is waiting for the 4th dose of vaccine.

The world has been wearing masks for more than 2 years, from the beginning of 2000, until now, August 2022, but corona has not decreased, is that not enough to prove that masks are meaningless?

The world has been vaccinated for more than 2 years, and already had 2 doses, 3 doses, and now you are waiting for  getting the 4th dose, and the corona does not decrease, is that not enough to prove that the vaccine is ineffective?

The world has social distance, has been locked down, has been at home for more than 2 years, and corona has not decreased, is that not enough to prove those solutions are silly?

WHO has given those advices to the world, and if corona doesn’t abate, isn’t that enough to prove that WHO is a useless organization?

We cannot run away from corona with social distancing, with masks, with social closure, with staying at home, with vaccines.

We have to live with corona, co-exist with covid19, just like living with insects, mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, ,,,, and live healthy, without letting the world get polluted, then we can can win corona.

If we want to win corona, we have to do the following:

Discard the masks so that the nose and mouth are clear and clean.

Exercise more outdoors than indoors.

Sun exposure for 30 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes in the afternoon.

Breathe fresh air.

Eat a balanced diet of foods, eat enough meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, vegetables.

Drink tap water, cut back on soft drinks, don’t use plastic bottles anymore.

Get enough rest, get enough sleep, spend less time on facebook, on tweeters, on YouTube,,,.

Clean the world, no polluted air, no polluted water, no contaminated land, no polluted world.

But if we just run away from corona, we will fall into a vicious circle from which we can’t get out:

-The more you get vaccinated, the more you get corona.

The more you get corona, the more you get vaccinated.

-The more you wear a mask, the more you get corona.

The more corona you have, the more you wear a mask.

-The more you stay home stay home, the more you get corona.

The more you have corona, the more you stay home stay home.

-The more you blockade, the more you get corona.

The more you have corona, the more you want to blockade society.

-The more you alienate yourself from society, the more you get corona.

The more you get corona, you want to stay away from society.

That is the Vicuos Circle of WHO corona escape solutions.

And now, August 2022, more than 2 years have passed, corona has more variants, there have been more than 600 million people with corona, the number of deaths is about 2%.

Before vaccination, and after vaccination, the situation did not change.

WHO says that before vaccination, the death toll was about 2%, and after vaccination, the death toll was only about 1%.

This is just a lie, because when making statistics, there is usually an error of at least 3%.

The above 1% difference is still within the permissible error range, how dare WHO say so unscientifically?

Of course, WHO is not an idiot, because WHO says that 1% is 50% of 2%, which means that thanks to vaccines, 50% of deaths can be reduced.

But there is also another explanation, that is 1% is only 1% different from 2%.

So the cleverness and fallacy of WHO and vaccine companies are only worth 1% of the truth, the rest, 99% of the lies.

Humans seem to be very smart.

This is mankind who put the man on the moon. This is the human being who sent a spacecraft to Mars.

This is human being who is smart enough to be able to  produce all kinds of weapons of mass destruction.

This is the men who can invent the iPhone, create Facebook, design Tweeter, make YouTube,,,,.

But now all those smart minds, the CEO of Facebook, the CEO of Amazon, the CEO of Google, the scientists who received the Nobel Prizes,,, all have to wear a rotten masks, fill your mouth and nose with that corona center, and call it is corona prevention.

If the mask can prevent corona, please give the Nobel Prize to the mask.

If vaccines can prevent corona, please give the Nobel Prize for vaccines.

Those who want to award the Nobel Prize for masks, and for vaccines, please send your comments to the Nobel Prize Committee in Sweden.

Please hurry up.

Who believes in masks, in vaccines, please keep your believe.

You go your way, I go my way.

Good buy.///

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