Eat a balanced diet- Post 1: Meat-protein

1-What is protein?

2-Benefits of protein for the body

3-But too much protein is also not good

4-How much protein a day is enough?

5- What disease will you get if you lack protein?

A daily meal of ours usually includes the following 4 main ingredients:

1- Protein, fat/lipid, found in meat, chicken, beef, pork, fish, shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, snails, mussels,,, and in some vegetables, tubers, beans, as in soybeans, chickpeas, some nuts, etc

2- Starch-carbohydrates, including starch, fiber, sugars such as glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, found in rice, bread, potatoes, sweet potatoes, millet, oats, barley, barley, legumes, beans, and fruits, sugar cane. etc

3- Carbohydrate in vegetables, tubers, fruits, beans,,,. All vegetables, fruits, tubes, beans,,,are carbohydrate.

4- Salt-sodium.

All of the above ingredients are important for our daily diet, but you can see that rice, bread, vegetables and salt are the most important, because for year long, you may not need to eat meat, fish, eggs, milk, but impossible without eating rice, bread, vegetables, and salt.

Without rice, bread, salt, you get sick.

Fruits are also not so important, because you may for year long, don’t need to eat all kinds of fruits, but you can not no eating vegetables.

Without vegetable, you get sick.

But for Eskimos people, they live in the ice areas like the Northern Pole, Northern Canada, Northern America, so cold that no any vegetable available, so they mostly eat meat, fat of seal, fish like salmon, and eggs of salmon, and some kind of vegetable like sorrel grass, kelp-a kind of seaweed,,,.

1-What is protein?

Protein found in meats, beef, chicken, pork, fish, shrimp, clams, oysters, snails, mussels, eggs, milk, cheese, and some plants, vegetables, such as soybeans, green beans, almonds,,,.

Protein is an important nutrient that helps build and regenerate all of the body’s tissues. Protein plays a role in regulating vital activities taking place in the body, keeping the body healthy and enhancing immunization, resistance.

The building blocks of the body such as skin, muscles, bones and internal organs are mostly made up of protein.

In addition, protein also produces many hormones and enzymes that help regulate chemical processes and reactions in the body.

Scientists have found that there are about 10,000 different types of protein in the body, all made up of about 20 basic amino acids.

These 20 amino acids are like the letters of the alphabet, and these letters-amino acids work together to form so many sentences and words, just like how many proteins are made.

Our bodies make about 11 amino acids on their own, but with about 9 other amino acids that must be obtained from food.

These 9 amino acids are the most important of the 20 amino acids, with scientific names as follows:

1-histidine, 2-isoleucine, 3-leucine, 4-lysine, 5-methionine, 6-phenylalanine, 7-threonine, 8-tryptophan, and 9-valine

These amino acids are constantly changing, or being regenerated in the body.

This process begins when the fetus is newly formed inside mother belly, and lasts throughout a person’s life. Some proteins last only a few hours in the body, while others last several years.

Therefore, we must eat enough protein, enough meat, fish, eggs, milk, so that the protein changes and transforms itself every day.

On average, the percentage of protein in the human body is from 10% to 20% of the body weight, depending on the weight, fat or thin, old or young.

And you can easily get protein from familiar plants and animals like:

Animal protein

Meat like beef meat, pork meat, chicken meat, seafood, shrimp, eggs, dairy like milk, cheese, butter, and fish are the richest sources of protein, accounting for 15 to 40% of the weight of the food.

Plant protein

Found in beans and seeds such as green beans, tofu, soybeans, sesame, some green vegetables …

2-Benefits of protein for the body

Beautiful skin

Collagen is a fibrous protein, found in animal skin, beef tendons (a strong fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone), bones, and cartilages of animals (a firm, flexible connective tissue found in various forms in larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints), very important for our skin and hair. Research experts have determined that collagen provides cells, tissues and organs such as skin and hair with constant repair and protection.

If you eat enough meat, egg, fat, fish, sure you have very fair, rosy, healthy skin, shining skin.

Improve muscle health

You want to have a strong, beautiful, muscular body, tall, healthy, resistant to diseases, resistant to cold, withstand cold and hot, withstand hard work, have ruddy skin, shiny hair, and if you want to have a smooth, bright eyes like electricity, a voice that resonates like a bell, a cheerful, refreshing, optimistic, loving spirit, you must eat a lot of meat, fish, eggs, and milk that contain a lot of protein.

A sick body cannot have a healthy mind.

Improve immune system

Antibodies are also known as special proteins that have the ability to protect ourselves. And these protein antibodies can detect the “pathogens-bad virus” in our body.

When it detects a disease-causing enemy, the body reacts to these factors to know which group of bacteria or viruses they belong to and then produces specific protein antibodies to neutralize the bacteria that cause disease,  cause harm.

That is our immune system.

Without protein, we cannot have a healthy immune system to fight all diseases, especially the current corona COVID19.

Eating enough protein, enough meat, fat, fish, egg, cheese, butter, milk will help you have a good immune system.

Improve the nervous system

Protein carries in itself an important responsibility of creating the smooth functioning of the nervous system. These receptor proteins aid in signaling to cells and in regulating the central nervous system.

Eating enough protein will give you a strong nervous system, you may will always in the situation of not panic, not lose your temper, always be in control, always calm.

People who eat enough meat, fat, fish, egg,,, are always more calm, more self-confident, more braver, more courageous, more active, more desire than who eat meat less.

Tissue and cell regeneration

Protein is the main building block of new cells and tissues in the body such as nails, skin, and hair.

Eating enough meat, fish, eggs, milk will give you a body with beautiful, shiny, ruddy skin, shiny hair, shiny nails that grow evenly, glossy, long, without thrush, broken, cracked.

Thick, shiny, non-greasy hair and shiny nails grow evenly that you have to cut often, skin changes often, it is thanks to eating enough protein.

Hormone balance

Enzymes are proteins that catalyze an important role in all biochemical processes and reactions in the body. In addition, there are other hormones such as insulin, growth hormone and glucagon which is also a form of protein that plays an important role in the proper functions of the body.

Glucagon is a hormone that your pancreas makes to help regulate your blood glucose (sugar) levels up to a normal level. Glucagon increases your blood sugar level and prevents it from dropping too low.

And insulin do a job apposite, to decreases blood sugar levels down to the normal level. Too much sugar in your blood, you get diabetes disease.

If you have too much glucagon, means rare tumour of the pancreas called a glucagonoma can secrete excessive quantities of glucagon. This can cause diabetes mellitus, weight loss, venous thrombosis-blood clot, and a characteristic skin rash.

What happens if I have too little glucagon?

Unusual cases of deficiency of glucagon secretion have been reported in babies. This results in severely low blood glucose which cannot be controlled without administering glucagon.

Glucagon can be given by injection to restore blood glucose lowered by insulin (even in unconscious patients). It can increase glucose release from glycogen stores more than insulin can suppress it. The effect of glucagon is limited, so it is very important to eat a carbohydrate meal-like rice, bread, sweet potato, starch once the person has recovered enough to eat safely.

Make up blood, transport and storage of substances in the body

Proteins make up the blood, and have the function of transporting and storing various substances across cell membranes. The important thing that protein brings is the smooth circulation of blood and nourishing cells.

All meats, egg, salmon fish are good source to make blood.

Gives energy to the body

Proteins make up enzymes, these enzymes act as biological catalysts with the noble task of converting food into energy for the body.

3-But too much protein is also not good

Protein plays an important role in building muscles, creating blood, and strengthening the body’s immune system.

However, scientists also warn that, if you consume too much protein during the day, you will experience the following health disadvantages:

• Weight gain:

Obviously protein is very good for weight loss, but if you eat too much protein without regular exercise, protein will accumulate as body fat, causing you to gain weight quickly, become obese. And from obesity will lead to a variety of other diseases such as cardiovascular, kidney, liver, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson,,,,.

• Kidney and liver disease:

When the body has excess protein, it forces the kidneys and liver to work harder to eliminate the surplus. Therefore, if too much protein for a long time will decrease kidney and liver function, thereby forming diseases in these two organs.

• Constipation:

If you eat a lot of meat, fish, eggs, milk, but eat less vegetables, less starch, especially less fiber, then you are prone to chronic constipation.


when you eat a lot of meat and fish, you should drink a lot of water, because digesting protein in meat, fish, eggs require a lot of water. If you drink less water, your body will become dehydrated. And the most obvious manifestation of lack of water, excess protein is your skin will have acne, some black, yellow, and brown warts will appeared, the expression of the elderly. And your body have bad smell.

• Risk of cancer, skin cancer:

More than 100 years ago, Scottish doctor John Beard discovered that the body’s primary defense organ to fight against cancer cells is pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach which secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum. This enzyme calls pancreatin to support digest protein, and fight cancer. But if you eat too much meat, the enzyme pancreatin will focus on digestion of protein, not to fight cancer, specially to combat skin cancer.

Then if you reduce meat-protein intake into proper volume, such as about 1gr meat per 1kg weight of your body, then you are save. More than this volume is not so good for your health.

Some nutritionists believe that the body needs a protein-free period of approximately 12 hours a day to focus on fighting effectively cancer risk.

Of course you don’t need to follow this advice strictly if you feel healthy, you can eat meat more or less this volume little bit, but should keep in mind that everything excessive amounts is not good.

An American doctor Henry G.Bieler, M.D wrote a book “Food is your best medicine”, published on a year 1965, more than 60 years ago, this book is an inspiration for me to set up this website “NO MEDICINE FOUNDATION.COM”.

In this book, Doctor Bieler told one story about his patient, a woman, came to his clinic together with her husband, with a fibroid tumor above her collar bone, about the size of turkey egg, and almost firm, covered with a post-operation scar.

She explained that before going to Dr. Bieler, she had went to an another doctor, and this Dr. had operated on this tumor, but could not remove it because it was so deeply buried in the nerves and blood vessels, so he closed this operation, left a scar on this.

Dr. Bieler checked her urine, and found too much sulphur protein. Dr. Bieler asked her and husband what they ate recently. They said that they run a turkey farm, and for several months, they can not sell their turkey, so they ate 3 meals of turkey a day for several months. Then a tumor appeared on her collar bone, a husband still OK.

Dr. Bieler suggested that she should stop all sulphur rich food like turkey, meat, seafood, cabbage family, and increase alkaline food, like zucchini, green bean sprout, and fruits, whole bread, whole milk.

After 6 months on this strict sulphur-free diet, her tumor size reduced to half as large as it had been, and after 1 year, it disappeared entirely.

So it will be save that you should not eat chicken meat every day, once a week is enough.

4-How much protein a day is enough?

Scientists recommend that you should eat meat on average 1g for 1 kg of your body.

-A child weighing 10 kg, eats about 10 grams of meat. But actually, a baby needs more meat to grow, so if he eats up to 50 grams of meat a day, it’s okay.

-If you weigh 60 kg, eat 60 gm.

-You weigh 70 kg, eat 70 gr.

That’s how it is multiplied. Sumo fighters in Japan, who weigh 200 kg, can eat 0.2 kg of meat a day.

If one day you happily eat up to 300 grams of meat a day, then you can give up eating meat for a few days to return your body to its normal balance.

For people with thin organs, difficult to get fat, can eat a little more meat.

As for people who are easily getting fat, obesity, have fatty body, especially Americans and Europeans, it is very good to eat less meat than the above ratio.

But for fat people, completely abstaining from eating meat is also not good.

But the percentage of protein you eat above does not need to be strictly enforced, if you feel healthy.

In fact, the above-mentioned daily meat ratio intake usually applies to obese people, but it is normal for healthy people who are not obese to eat 100 grams of meat, up to 200 grams of meat a day for many years, with a body weight of about 70 kg.

Of course if you don’t like to eat meat, you can eat very little meat, with the level as mentioned above, 1g of meat for 1 kg of body weight is very safe, healthy, and you can maintain the level of eating meat like that for your all  lifetime.

A study of bodybuilders, found that these people, who often ate about 200gr-300gr of lean fat-free meat a day for many years, remained perfectly healthy, heart -disease free, kidney- disease free, ,,,.

Of course they can’t eat 200gr of meat a day for a the whole of their lifetime. They only eat like that when they are young, when they need to build muscle.

In old age, when they are no longer in bodybuilding, they should reduce the amount of meat they eat to a safe level of about 1g / 1kg in body weight as mentioned above, means 70gr/ 70 kg a day.

5- What disease will you get if you lack protein?

– When the diet lacks protein, it can lead to the absorption and transport of some nutrients being affected even though the body’s diet does not lack that nutrient.

– When the amount of protein in the blood is low, the osmotic pressure in the blood vessels is low, leading to the phenomenon of water escaping from the blood vessel lumen, overflowing into the cells, leading to edema- dropsy.

-A lack of protein in the body will lead to: weakness, emaciation, hair loss, skin loss of elasticity, underdeveloped muscles and bones, menstrual and hormonal disorders, pale skin…

Therefore, we need to supplement protein every day with the right dose to maintain health.

Absolutely do not eliminate all protein from the daily diet.

There is no denying the important role of protein – protein in the diet helps build and renew cells, provides energy and helps the body absorb vitamins (A, D, E, K).

However, we should not eat too much protein, but should combine in a balanced diet,

Rich countries, such as the US, UK, France, Germany,,,, have many obese people, so in those countries there are many theories about eating only vegetables, or only eating meat, or eating low carbs-high fat, or high carb-low fat,,,.

The theory of eating only vegetables, eating whole foods is very popular in the US, where over 30% of the population is obese.

The University of California at Los Angeles-UCLA- conducted a study in Kenya, Africa, conducted in 12 schools, with about 10,000 students of all ages participating.

The students were divided into 4 groups, 1 group ate normally, had beef in their daily meals, a moderate amount in the ratio of 1kg of body weight to eat 1gm of beef a day, can be more or less, not strictly.

The other 3 groups ate absolutely no meat, but with slightly different diets, 1 group ate a lot of vegetables, one group ate a lot of rice and bread, and one group had milk every day.

After 2 years of eating like this, UCLA scientists found that the group of students who ate meat had the best growth, balanced body, almost no disease, best academic results, exam results. The best sports competition, the spirit is always happy, confident, helping each other.

As for the other 3 groups, who did not eat meat, their academic and sports results were much worse, their bodies were weak, their spirits were gloomy, they were not happy, they often had minor illnesses, colds, runny noses, and headaches.

The results of this study are widely published in the US, and around the world, but there are still many scientists who call for eating only vegetables, and they are supported by obese people. But the world’s obese people are increasing very quickly, even in Vietnam, which is an underdeveloped country.

Take a look at the current Director of the Hanoi Police Department, his belly is terrible. Today’s Vietnamese Army generals also have horrible big bellies. During the Vietnam War, and during the subsidy period, in the North of Vietnam, no one was obese and had a big belly. Only in the South with President Thieu’s market economy, there are many Southern people who are obese and have big belly.

Now, the whole country of Vietnam has begun to appear a new class of obese people with big bellies.

How to treat obesity with a big belly by dieting, eating only vegetables is not really good.

My son 3 years ago 12 years old, 1m65 tall, 78 kg weight, obese, full of fat.

After 1 year of giving up sweets, giving up carbonated soft drinks, practicing sports, he lost 13 kg to 65 kg, and now, 15 years old, 1m83 tall, weight increased to 82 kg, eat enough meat, fish every day, vegetables, eggs, milk, body is full of muscle, almost no fat, no longer as bloated as before.

Before he watching TV, I asked him to do 10 push-ups with his hands, and 10 sit-ups with his feet, legs.

I told him to put on more weight, 90 kg is fine, 100 kg also is fine, but it’s must be all muscle, no fat.

Another study by Dr. Weston Price, conducted more than 80 years ago, the research results were published in 1938, nearly 100 years ago.

W. Price’s book is titled: “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration-A comparison of Primitive and modern diets and their Effects”.

He studied the health status, and especially the dentition, of human tribes that had not been affected by human civilization, and compared it with the civilized humans living near those tribes, and tribal people who live like white people.

W.Price’s research scope is very wide, from the US, to Canada, to Swizerland, New Zealand, Australia, Belgic, ,,,Eskimos, Indians, Maori, Malai, Peruvian,,,.

Dr. W.Price came to the conclusion that all the tribal people still live in their original way, eat a lot of meat, fish caught from wild hunting, have strong, shiny white, even teeth, big nose, big mouth, beautiful skin, good health, good sleep, cheerful spirit, almost no sense of crime.

And the whites who live nearby, and the tribal people who live with the whites, eat canned food every day, eat ice cream, drink coffee, chocolate, eat meat from farmed poultry, no meat from wild-caught animals, they have bad teeth, crooked, swish, small jaws, there is no room for teeth to grow, so the teeth are uneven, some protrude first, some recede, it is crowded teeth, and have all the features disease type.

In the Torres Strait Island-Australia, Dr. J.R. Nimmo, who has lived there for 13 years, told Dr. W.Price that there are several thousand Aboriginal people on the island who live by their primitive way of eating fish and crabs caught under the sea, during 13 years, only 1 person had a mild illness, went to see the doctor, but didn’t have to take any medicine, went home immediately and self recovered.

On the contrary, on the island there are about 300 white people living, during 13 years, there are more than a few dozen people with diseases, all kinds of mild diseases, serious diseases, cancer, tooth decay, tooth extraction, crooked teeth, protruding teeth, because the mouth and jaw are too small, there is not enough room for the teeth to grow.

Caucasian people mainly eat processed canned food, eat meat from domestic poultry, not eatting wild animals. Whites people eat fruit grown by themselves, self-selected to make it sweeter, fruits look more beautiful, more succulent, and therefore also more distant from nature, less nutrition.

So the best theory is to eat a balanced diet, full of different nutrients: starch, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals, combined with exercise, sun exposure, inhalation with fresh air.

Breathe fresh, clean air, quit sweets, quit carbonated soft drinks, quit alcohol, beer, tobacco, reduce time on the internet.

And, eat natural foods, reduce foods that are produced by high-tech civilization.

The more high-tech food, the further away from nature, the more harmful to health.

Industrial meat, industrial vegetables, industrial fruits, industrial mushrooms, may taste better, sweeter, but less natural, so there will be more harm to human health.

One reason to make people to be fat, obese is cooking oil. Cooking oils are most harmful factors to make people in 20 century, and 21 century to be sick, disease, obese.

If we can eat rice, why we need rice oil?

If we can eat sesame seeds, why we need sesame oil?

If we can eat peanuts, why we need to eat peanut oil?

If you already eat soybeans, why do you need to eat soybean oil extracted from soybeans?

And so on.

Cooking oil destroy all good factors in vegetable, seeds, and it became the toxic factors for daily diet, make people get sick, get mad, get all kind of diseases.

You eat fat in meat, fat in vegetable, fat in seeds are good oil, good fat, no side effect.

There is only 1 acceptable edible oil, the least harmful, is olive oil, eaten fresh, not fried, not cooked.

But you also should not eat olive oil too much.

Eat fat from meat, fish, egg, avocado, cheese, butter are the best for your health. //////

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