Eat a balanced diet- Post 2: Fat, lipid


In the early 20th century, scientists thought that having a high cholesterol in the body would lead to a variety of diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes,,,.

Since then, scientists have come to the very wrong conclusion that there are 2 types of fat, that are bad fat, not good, toxic fat, found in animal fat, and good fat, non-toxic, found in vegetable oil, and scientists recommend not to eat a lot of animal fat, but to eat more vegetable oil, which is more beneficial to health.

Since then, the cooking oil processing industry has flourished, to produce such as peanut oil, sesame oil, rice oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil,,,.

Up to now, into the 21st century, after about 100 years of promoting and producing and digesting cooking oils of all kinds, now some scientists have gradually realized that vegetable oils are extremely toxic, the source of all kinds of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer,,,.

Some other scientists still cling to the old mistake, uncorrected, still cheering for vegetable oils.

Harvard University in the US, the most famous in the world, still holds to the misconception that it still promotes vegetable oils, albeit with more caution, with warnings not to overuse vegetable oils, but it is not recommended to omit vegetable oil.

If the world’s most famous university like Harvard has not yet admitted its scientific mistake, the world will be destroyed further.

In fact, there are no bad and good fats, all natural fats are good, but should only be used in moderation, not too much.

If you use too much fat, then any fat become bad fat.

And all kinds of fats from the processing industry, vegetable oils extracted from vegetables, seeds, fruits,,,, canned lard, canned meat,,,, are not good, do more harm than good.

The first role of fats is to participate in the formation of cell membranes, support the development of the brain, bones, vision-eye sight, immune system. Over 70% of our brain is made up of fat.

Adults have up to 24% fat in total body weight.

A newborn baby, just born, you see him/she chubby and full of fat.

So those who want to lose weight, become thin, please pay attention not to be too thin, thin bones, lose all fat, it is very dangerous for the body.

You should be a little fatter, better, stronger, and more beautiful.

The second role of fat is to store and provide energy for muscles and vital activities of the body. 1 gram of fat contains up to 9 calories, while with the same weight, protein and carbohydrates have only 4 calories.

A healthy person is usually a little bit fat, the body is always warm because there is enough energy from fat to warm the body, and often has a healthy, rosy complexion than a thin person.

A girl who is a little bit fat is definitely more attractive than a skinny, pale, weight-loss fasting girl.

1-What is fat?

Fat is a form of lipid. They consist of a group of compounds that are soluble in organic solvents, but generally insoluble in water, and, lighter than water, float on water.

The basic structural unit in fats consists of fatty acids. They are divided into two groups, saturated fatty acids, and unsaturated fatty acids.

Saturated fatty acids: Palmitic acid, stearic acid, caprylic acid, mainly found in animal fat.

The majority of saturated fat comes from animal fat, which is commonly found in meat and dairy products. Sources of saturated fat include:

– Fatty part of meat such as beef, pork and lamb

– Chicken thighs and chicken skin

– High-fat dairy foods (whole milk, butter, cheese)

–  Lard-a fat from the abdomen of a pig that is rendered and clarified for use in cooking.

Previous studies have suggested that eating too much saturated fat raises blood cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease.

However, recent studies show that animal saturated fat is not as dangerous.

According to Harvard University-HU (Massachusetts, USA), results from studies show that saturated fat does not cause too serious effects, but HU still keeps opinion that saturated fat is still not the best choice for the body, implicit that the vegetable oils still is best.!!!.

A 2017 article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that the risk of LDL cholesterol had previously been overstated, especially when it had a negative effect on heart health.

In short, you don’t need to be too shy about using saturated fat as before, but use this fat in control.

Unsaturated fatty acids: An oleic acid, oxalic acid, linoleic acid, alpha linolenic acid, or arachidonic acid, found in plants and seeds, such as olives, peanuts, sesame, and seeds as such cashews, soybeans, rice grains, sunflower seeds, and in fish like salmon, tuna, and avocado,,.

Trans fat, is the fat when using animal fat, butter, vegetable oil to fry foods, such as fried chicken, fried pork, and to make confectionery.

This trans fat is extremely toxic.

Using vegetable oil to stir-fry vegetables is also a type of trans fat, a source of disease.

2-The role of fat in the human body

Fat plays an important role in participating in building the structure of the body.

Reserve power supply

The most important role of fat is to store and provide energy for muscles and vital activities of the body. 1 gram of substance contains up to 9 calories while with the same volume, protein and carbohydrates both have only 4 calories.

Fats play an important role in the vital activities of cells, because they are present in the membranes of cells and the membranes of the internal organs of cells: mitochondria and nucleus.

Fat also plays a large role in regulating energy storage and protecting the entire body from temperature fluctuations.

A slightly fat body will withstand the cold winter more than a thin body.

We see in the Arctic, polar bears are very fat, squirming, to withstand the sub-zero frosts of the Arctic. Seal-sea dogs are also very fat to withstand the cold, without winter clothing like humans.

Supports vitamin absorption

1 gram of fat when burned in the body provides 38kj, corresponding to 9kcal, more than 2 times more than protein (Protein) and starch in rice and bread (Glucid).

Fats are carriers of fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K).

The digest of these vitamins into the body largely depends on the content of fats in the food.

That means when the amount of fat in the diet is low, the absorption of these vitamins will be reduced, make harmful to the body.

This makes fat all the more important, as fat-soluble vitamins are important for eye sight-vision functions, immune response, hematopoiesis, growth and anti-aging, and more.

We see new babies born fat and chubby. And the elderly are often thin and skinny, the older they are, the thinner they are, the less fat they have.

So fat makes the body young, beautiful, rosy, healthy, and fat free-no fat means we are old.

So if we eat enough fat, keep the body fat for a long time, it means we keep us young for a long time.

Vitamins C and B can be digested in water, so we only need to drink enough water to digest vitamin C and B vitamins, such as B1, B6, B12,,,.

But other vitamins such as D, E, K, A are vitamins that can only be digested when accompanied by animal and vegetable fats, called fat soluble vitamins. Therefore, if we eat vegetables, tubers, raw vegetables, salads,,, we need to eat with vegetable oil, such as olive oil, or butter, cheese, or lard, then our bodies can digest these vitamins. Without olive oil, or butter, cheese, or other animal fat, the vitamins A, E, D, and K found in vegetables and fruits can only be digested by about 10%.

So we often see when eating raw vegetables salad, people often add olive oil to mix with salad vegetables, not only for better taste, but for the body to digest vitamins in raw vegetables.

We may not need to use olive oil, but mix half-boiled eggs with raw vegetables, the fats in the eggs will help digest the vitamins in the vegetables.

Or we can use avocado mixed with salad, vegetable fat in avocado also helps to digest vitamins in vegetables.

Or you can mix butter and cheese into vegetables, which also works to increase the efficiency of vitamin digestion of vegetables.

Can we use other cooking oils like sesame oil, peanut oil, castor oil,,,?

No, it is absolutely not advisable to use such cooking oils.

Recent studies have shown cooking oils to be extremely toxic.

The process of processing and extracting cooking oils from vegetables, seeds, and fruits has completely changed the nutritional composition of those oils, turning them into carcinogens, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer

Cooking oils are a type of trans-fat that is also toxic, beneficial only to cooking oil companies.

Among cooking oils, only olive oil is the least toxic, can be beneficial, but should not be abused. It is best to eat olives fruit directly, preferably more than olive oil extracted from olives.

I will have a detailed article about the toxicity of cooking oil later.

Provides essential acids

Fat is also a source of essential fatty acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own, such as linoleic acid (omega 6) and α linoleic acid (omega 3). Omega-6 is abundant in plants such as sesame, soybeans, less in peanuts.

Omega-3s are found in many types of fish, such as salmon and tuna

3-How many fat needs for the human body?

Fat is an essential source in the diet, however, fat needs are moderate, should only account for 20-25% of energy needs. Different age groups have different age-related fat needs.

Fat needs for children

Nutritionists and health professionals recommend that adults should eat only 18 to 25 percent fat in total calories.

Children, or pregnant women, lactating women should eat more fat, maybe 30, 40% of the calories in the daily diet.

– Newborns are exclusively breastfed, more than half of the energy supply for the body is fat from breast milk form mother.

-If infants under 6 months of age are fed with milk other than breast milk of mother, they should receive about 40% of the energy ratio from fat.

How much fat is needed a day in babies?

If based on a general fat-weight spreadsheet, for each day:

– Children from 7 months to 11 months will need about 35 grams per day,

-Children 1 to 3 years old need to load about 55g

– and children from 4 to 6 years old need about 40 grams.

Fat needs of adults

The average woman needs to eat about 1,300 calories a day to maintain a constant weight,

-For people who want to lose weight, should only eat 1000 calories to lose 0.5 kg per week.

The average man needs 1650 calories to maintain weight without losing weight, and 1300 calories to lose 0.5 kg per week.

If you’re overweight, the American Heart Association recommends that you eat less than 30% of your total calories from fat.

In the first post at, I have told you about the advices of scientist about eating 1gr of meat a day per 1kg of your body weight. This means both of meat-lean meat, and fat.

So, if your body needs 2,000 calories a day, you can eat about 100 grams of fatty meat, and butter, cheese per day is the most suitable.

So 100 gr of meat means meat with fat, half lean meat and half fat is safe. If you eat cheese, butter too, then you should reduce meat and fat to the amount of about 100 gr meat-fat ratio a day.

If you are thin, you can eat more than that.

In fact, no fat meets all the nutritional criteria for the body.

For example, animal fat is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D but poor in unsaturated fatty acids, like omega 3 and omega 6.

In contrast, vegetable oils contain a lot of linoleic acid, phosphatides, tocopherol and cytosterol, but lack vitamins A and D, E, and K.

Therefore, using a combination of animal fats and plant fats will create a balance and full range of fats with high biological value.

Unsaturated fats in plants are very good for the body, but that does not mean that cooking oils and vegetable oils are good for health.

Because as said above, the process of cooking oil, extracting cooking oil from plants, seeds and grains has destroyed the entire nutritional composition of unsaturated fats in plants, making vegetable oils – Cooking oil becomes toxic.

Recent studies show that cooking oil extracted from plants is the biggest source of human toxicity in the 20th and 21st centuries today, it causes all kinds of diseases, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, madness, crime, transsexual, gay, lesbian,,,.

You should eat natural plants that contain unsaturated fats, not vegetable oils extracted from plants.

Should eat rice, which contains rice oil already, but should not eat rice oil extracted from rice.

Similarly, you should eat sesame seeds, not sesame oil.

Eat peanuts, not peanut oil.

Eat sunflower seeds, not sunflower oil.


The food industry is actually an industry that produces disease, and destroys people’s health.

Industrial fats or trans fats.

Trans fats occur in foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. These are harmful fats and are commonly found in:

Vegetable oils extracted from vegetables, roots and plants are actually tran fat, which is very toxic.

– Deep fried foods (fried potatoes, donuts, fast food, fried chicken, fried pork, fried beef ,,,)

– Margarine

– Plant-based shortening

– Pastries with margarine ingredients

– Processed foods (cookies, frozen pizza, microwave popcorn)

Doctors and scientists have also found a link between trans fats and the risk of inflammation in the body.

This vulnerability to inflammation can cause heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, skin disease, itching, and other contagious diseases like bird flu, and now the coronavirus COVID19.

The more you eat vegetable oils, and trans fats, the more susceptible you are to diseases, more susceptible to corona.

The World Health Organization WHO did not accept this obvious fact, refused to give advice on corona prevention that vegetable oils should not be used, but WHO only gave an opinion on wearing masks and washing hands, stay home, social distancing, lock down, vaccinations.

That WHO organization is so useless, it should be deleted.

It can be said that the biggest mistake of scientists in the 20th and 21st centuries was the invention of cooking oil.

In the 20th century, and now in the 21st century, people have more and more diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, madness, neurosis, sex change, intellectual disability, and deformed body. Children are increasingly born with certain diseases, hospitals are increasingly overloaded, and this is not coincidental with the increase in production and consumption of industrially processed foods, various types of food, cooking oil, ready-to-eat processed foods using cooking oil, trans fats, instant noodles, junk food, canned foods, carbonated soft drinks, fried foods, ice cream, candies, cakes, chocolates,,,.

Humans are destroying their own health by the food processing industry, by increasingly moving away from natural foods.

4- What is brown fat?

All fats, proteins, vegetables, tubers, foods, vitamins, beverages,,, that humans absorb into the body will create bones, muscles, and fat, hair, nails, skin, ,, in the body.

Body fat is divided into two types, brown fat and white fat.

Brown fat is a type of fat in the body that produces heat. They get their reddish-brown color because they’re filled with energy-producing substances in cells – called mitochondria, which power cells by converting calories into heat.

All people are born with brown fat.

In fact, babies have a lot of these fats, which help keep them warm out of the womb.

But researchers still don’t know why people tend to lose brown fat as they age.

Brown fat can make up a small amount of an adult’s total body fat. But a growing number of studies show that some adults have higher than expected amounts of brown fat, i.e. obese people.

Brown fat burns lipids – lipids are calorie-loading fats, good fat.

Meanwhile, white fat is the “bad” fat, storing lipids, creating unhealthy belly fat, thigh fat, and back fat.

In addition, studies also show that brown fat can lower blood sugar, which helps prevent diabetes.

According to a 2013 study, calorie-burning brown fat protected rats from obesity and problems related to insulin and blood sugar.

5-How to know if I have brown fat?

This type of fat is located between areas of white fat on the body, usually in: the neck, chest, and shoulders.

But there is no easy way to determine the amount of brown fat. You can’t see brown fat just by looking at it from the outside of body.

In the past, when the scientific means were rudimentary, researchers found this brown fat in biopsies of infants and mice.

But as body imaging methods have evolved, the ability to see brown fat has also improved, and scientists have identified brown fat that is commonly found in the neck, chest, and shoulder areas.

At first, when the radiologists started scanning

in adults, they see areas that cannot be identified as cancer or inflammation. In the end, they found that these brown (or beige) areas turned out to be areas of good brown fat.

6-How to increase brown fat for the body.

You can increase the amount of brown fat by turning the air conditioner in your room down a few degrees, keeping the room temperature a bit colder than usual, or going for a brisk walk in the winter to warm up, and your body will create brown fat.

A small recent study found that long-term exposure to the cold can promote the growth of brown fat, while the warmth of air conditioners, heaters, and fireplaces seems to prevent them.

Researchers followed five men aged 19 to 23 for four months and set the temperature in their bedrooms. The results showed that mild cold – around 19°C – increased the men’s brown fat and calorie-burning capacity by 30-40%. Meanwhile, mildly warm temperatures – about 31°C – reduce brown fat.

Other researchers have looked at whether cold temperatures turn white fat into brown fat, or does the body actually make more brown fat cells?

Experiments on mice found that they created new brown fat cells in cold temperatures, rather than simply changing from white to brown fat.

An October 2014 study found that increasing the calorie-burning activity of brown fat is a promising option for weight loss therapies.

The most effective way to increase brown fat is to expose to cold temperatures, so that your room is cold at its natural temperature, rather than using a warm air conditioner or heater. And eat enough saturated and unsaturated fats, eat enough meat, fish, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, vegetables, brown rice, black bread, whole foods, and sports, walking quickly, both increase muscle, increase brown fat, and reduce white fat.

An unhealthy diet contributes to an increase in obesity, an increase in white fat, and a decrease in brown fat.

7-Eat moderate amounts of fat to lose weight

To this day, people still think that eating fat makes them fat, so try to find low-fat or fat-free foods.

But the truth is that eating fat is not the only reason you become fat, obese. Experts have confirmed that fat is an important food for humans. There are studies that show that eating moderate amounts of fat helps people control their weight better than eliminating fat altogether.

While it may seem counterintuitive, increasing fat consumption can actually prevent weight gain and maintain satiety. Specifically, fat takes a while to digest, thereby slowing down the emptying of the stomach, reducing hunger and cravings.

In summary, fat is very good for the body, both saturated and unsaturated fat, it contributes to the creation of brown fat, and white fat in the body.

You should eat a balanced diet, including animal fats, and vegetables and tubers with unsaturated fats. And do not be foolish to use vegetable oil to harm the body.

American doctor Weston Price, in 1938, wrote and published the book “Nutrition and physical Degeneration, a comparison of primitive and Modern Diets and their effects”.

This book has presented the actual research results of Dr. Price in many countries such as USA, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, not in lab with rats, guinea pigs.

Dr. Price discovered that Indigenous people living in the mountains and sea areas have not been affected by civilization, have not been affected by the food processing industry, they have no disease, no tooth decay, no body deformity, no neurological disease, no transsexual, no gay, no lesbian, no need doctor, no hospital.

The secret is that they eat natural food, not the processed food of the food industry. They eat enough meat, animal fat, animal organs, fish, shrimp, crabs, butter, milk, and cheese that are obtained from cows and goats that eat grass, do not eat cereals, and they do not eat vegetables very much. And if they eat vegetables, tubers, rice, noodles, they eat whole food, not white rice, white bread, but brown rice, black bread.

They do not know about peanut oil, sesame oil, olive oil, but they only directly eat nuts and vegetables that contain those oils.

These primitive local indigenous people do not know the chemical composition of foods, do not experiment on mice and pigs, but do experiments directly on their own bodies, through thousands of years of real life experiences, thousands of years of living, eating and drinking natural food, they have gained valuable experience, which is tens of thousands of times more accurate than the experimental results of scientists in the laboratory  that only can do for weeks, months, or at most a few years, and mainly experiments on mice and pigs, but hardly human experiments.

And they do a lot of manual work, hard labor, helping them to have a stronger, more muscular, healthier body than civilized people who drive cars, sit in air-conditioned rooms, sip coffee, use the internet a lot.

Living in harmony with nature helps them to have almost no crime, no sense of crime, as honest as counting number.

Let’s eat natural food, and exercise the body in nature, in the sun, breathe in the air outdoors, we will be healthy, free from disease, without tooth decay, without obesity, without external diseases. skin, not crazy, not guilty, not transsexual, not mentally retarded, not sick.

Living and eating naturally, doing sports, doing manual labor under the sun is the message of Dr. Weston Price nearly 100 years ago for all mankind to live healthy, disease-free, and is still valid today, and will remain valid forever, thousands, ten thousands, millions of years later. ///

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