Drugs, medicines may harmful to you more than you thought

This nurse is too fat, she should be treated, not treats for other

I have a friend, a Japanese teacher, he has 3 children, 2 boys, one girl. Small boy is very healthy, always smiled, vigorous active, smart. All my friend family had been came to my home several times, they were very enjoyed.

The one day, my friend said that because his son was hyperactive, he has brought him to hospital to check, then doctors gave some medicines to a boy, told him to  swallow pill every day to be more calmer.

I feel my friend is wrong to take his son to hospital, and more mistake to let his boy to take medicines.

Now, ten years passed, means 10 years take medicines, his boy became sick boy, unusual boy, mentality boy, no more school, stay home boy and need his mother to take care of him. And more worser, his wife with this sick boy, also became distress women, and also need to take antidepressant drug, and problems of both, mother and boy are getting worse day by day.

Recently I call my friend to invite all his family to my home as before, but he rejected because his wife and boy were sick, they cannot go to anywhere.

I think medicines and stupid doctors destroyed them.

Now I read a book titled “Your Drug May Be Your Problem”, written by Dr Peter Breggin, and David Cohen PhD. These 2 US doctors said that:

“At public hearings in 2004, the FDA -Food and Drug Administration-presented re-evaluations of antidepressant  clinical trails for children and youth under age eighteen documenting that the suicide risk was doubled in children taking antidepressants compared to similar in which taking a sugar pill.”

I have 2 sons, they are very vigorous active, always fighting with me, joking, smiling, talking, funning, running, playing, but I never consider my kids are hyperactive.

Children that are vigorous, robust, active are good children, healthy, good mentality.

About above book, it is very interesting that “The FDA published a new required label for all antidepressant on January 26, 2005 including a black box headlined “Suicidality in Children and Adolescents”.

That means that anyone want to buy and use these antidepressant drug must know that these drugs can lead their children to suicide.

And not only suicide, but these antidepressant drugs have very danger side-effects: anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia-psychomotor restlessness.

I wonder why FDA still allow to sell these harmful drugs?

Dr Russell Blaylock MD, wrote in his book “Health and Nutrition Secrets”, said that:

“It is also interesting to note that in virtually all of school shootings, the kids responsible for the violence were taking SSRI-Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-medications, which are known to produce suicidal and homicidal side effects”.

Once again I wonder why FDA, US Government still allow to sell these harmful drugs?

And now I read a book titled Death By Modern Medicines, written by Dr Carolyn Dean, I first time in my life, I know about 1 word in English: IATROGENIC DEATH- means the death relating to illness caused by medical examination, or treatment.

So iatrogenic-an illness caused by medical examination, or treatment, or by bad doctors- is phenomenon of the failures of medicines and doctors, and hospitals around the world.

Be careful with your intention of going to see doctors.

They may harmful to you, not help you. ///

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