Post 3: Carbohydrate, starch, sugar, fiber


-What is carb?

-What is fiber?

-Good carbs, and bad carbs

-Carbs is essential for your health

-Not getting enough carbs can cause problems

-Too much carbs also not good for your health

1-What is carbs?

Carbohydrates are starch, fiber, and sugar, like wheat, grain, oats, rice, bread, potato, sweet potato, corn, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, roots like lotus root, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, tomato, ,,,.

Carbs produce energy for your body to function, like fuel, gasoline for your car.

Meat, fat make hard parts of body: muscle, fat, bone, hair, nail, hands, feet, eyes, head,,, like hard parts of car: engine, body, door, wheel,,,. And carbs like fuel.

Car without gasoline cannot run.

Body without carbs cannot function.

And carbs are important for brain function, carbs help brain to work, like make driver for driving a car.

No driver, car cannot run.

Carbs also are an influences on mood, memory, thinking, controlling body, considering, remembering, deciding, etc.

Every morning, when you eat breakfast, you should eat carbs-starch, like rice, or bread, or potato, sweet potato, corn, or bean, or all of these, little of each, to help your brain work for whole day.

You can skip breakfast if you don’t feel hungry. Then in the lunch, and dinner, you should eat enough carbs-starch, and vegetables to provide enough glucose, energy, vitamin, mineral for your body and brain.

Simple carbs, and complex carbs

Simple carbs are digested and absorbed more quickly and easily than complex carbs.

Simple carbohydrates contain just one or two sugars, such as fructose –found in fruits, and galactose –found in milk products.

Carbs with two sugars are sucrose-table sugar, lactose-from dairy, milk, and maltose-in beer and some vegetables. Table sugar sucrose is sweetener, is sugar on your table to use for tea, coffee, or to make cake.

For human consumption, sucrose is extracted and refined from either sugarcane or sugar beets. It is processing sugar, not natural sugar, not good for your health.

Simple carbs are also in candy, soda and syrups. However, these foods are made with sucrose table sugar, processed and refined sugars and do not have vitamins, minerals or fiber. They are called “empty calories” and can lead to weight gain.

Complex carbohydrates have three or more sugars. They are often referred to as starchy foods such as rice, bread, beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, potato, corn, parsnips, whole grain, black breads, cereals, whole rice, brown rice, white rice,,,,.

In the body, carbs break down into smaller units of sugar, such as glucose and fructose.

The small intestine absorbs these smaller units, which then enter the bloodstream and travel to the liver.

The liver converts all of these sugars into glucose, which is again carried through the bloodstream — accompanied by insulin — and converted into energy for basic body functioning and physical activity. Insulin keeps sugar level stable in blood. If you get diabetes disease, means that your insulin in your body can not work anymore, sugar in your blood is too much, or too little, so you need to inject insulin into your body to keep sugar level in blood stable.

That means if you are hungry, you did not eat enough bread, rice,,,,then you cannot do anything.

If the glucose is not immediately needed for energy, the body can store up to 2,000 calories of it in the liver and skeletal muscles in the form of glycogen.

Once glycogen stores are full, then carbs are stored as fat, you getting fatter.

If you ate not enough rice, bread, starch food, means you have insufficient carbohydrate intake or stores, your body will consume protein in your muscle for fuel.

This will be your problematic, because the body needs protein to make muscles.

Protein is not for fuel.

The disorder inside your body began, if you eat not enough carb, like rice, bread.

Using protein instead of carbohydrates for fuel also puts stress on the kidney, leading to the passage of painful byproducts in the urine.

Your urine became acid. And your kidney will get sick.

Carbs are also found naturally in some forms of dairy and both starchy and non-starchy vegetables. For example, non-starchy vegetables like lettuces, kale, green beans, celery, carrots and broccoli all contain carbs.

Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potato, and corn also contain carbohydrates, but in larger amounts.  Non-starchy vegetables generally contain only about 5 grams of carbohydrates per cup of raw vegetables, and most of those carbs come from fiber.

2-What is fiber?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules called glucose, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules, and instead it passes through the body undigested.

But fiber is very important, for fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check, and help clean up you digest system. No fiber, you poop very difficult, and a lot of unwanted things will stack up inside your stomach tube. All disease will start from these unwanted things inside your body.

Children and adults need at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day for good health, but most Americans get only about 15 grams a day.

Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, can help lower glucose levels as well as help lower blood cholesterol. Foods with soluble fiber include oatmeal, chia seeds, nuts, beans, lentils, apples, and blueberries,,,.

Insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water, can help food move through your digestive system, promoting regularity and helping prevent constipation. Foods with insoluble fibers include whole wheat products (especially wheat bran), quina, brown rice, legumes, leafy greens like kale, almonds, walnuts, seeds, and fruits with edible skins like pears and apples,,,.

All sources of fiber include whole fruits-fruits with skin, whole grains, whole rice, brown rice, and all vegetables, carrot, cucumber, potato with skin, sweet potato with skin, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, green bean sprout, zucchini, spinach, cabbage, kale, legumes, seaweed, nori, wakame-Japanese name of seaweed ,,,.

3-Good carbs and bad carbs

All natural carbs are good carbs. All whole wheat, grain, whole rice, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds,,,are good carbs.

But industrialized carbs, processing foods, canned beans, cake, candy ,,, are bad carbs.

Bad carbs are foods with simple carbs, rarely have any nutritional value.

Good carbs are complex carbs, such as whole grains, brown rice, whole fruits-fruits with skin, vegetables, beans and legumes. They contain balanced fiber and a bounty of nutrients.

Carbohydrates in vegetables are good for you.

Carbs in cake, candy, fried potato, chip potato, doughnuts, pastries, sodas, highly processed foods, white rice, white bread and other white-flour foods

are bad carbs, not good for you, lack of fiber.

4-Carbs are essential for your health

-Fiber is essential to digestion.

Fibers promote healthy bowel movements and decrease the risk of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease and diabetes.

However, unlike sugars and starches, fibers are not absorbed in the small intestine and are not converted to glucose. Instead, they pass into the large intestine relatively intact, where they are converted to hydrogen and carbon dioxide and fatty acids.

Experts recommend that people should consume up to 30 grams of fiber per day as part of a balanced diet.

-Mental health

Carbohydrates is important to mental health.

Studies show that people on a high-fat, low-carb diet for a year had more anxiety, depression and anger than people on a low-fat, high-carb diet. Scientists thought that carbohydrates help with the production of serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin is a chemical nerve cells produce, and it sends signals between your nerve cells. Serotonin is found in many parts of your body: in your digestive system, blood platelets, and throughout the central nervous system.

It’s also thought to play a role in regulating your mood. Happy, joyful if enough serotonin, sad, anxiety if you lack of serotonin.

Serotonin impacts every part of you, from your emotions to your body and motor skills. It helps with sleeping, healing, and digesting. Serotonin is also thought to be a natural mood stabilizer.

Serotonin is commonly found in foods such as meat-like pork meat, chicken meat, beef meat, dairy products like milk, cheese, butter, eggs, and nuts.

Carbs and sunlight help the body to digest these foods to make serotonin in your body.

Exposure moderately to the sunlight also help to produce more serotonin, and help you feel happy.

Ridiculously, one book tittle “How to live longer and feel better”, advice should less exposure to sunlight, because it make skin aging quickly and lead to skin cancer. Yes, too much exposure to sunlight will be harmful, but moderately exposure to sunlight is good for your health.

The more you avoid to exposure to sunlight, the more you make your skin weak, and the more you prone to get skin cancer.

-Carbs help memory, too.

One research did experiment on two groups of overweight women:

A group A of overweight women cut carbs entirely from their diets for one week.

A group B of overweight of women ate plenty of carbs for 1 week.

Then, they tested these two groups of women’s cognitive skills, visual attention and spatial memory.

The women on A group of no-carb diets did worse than overweight women on B group of low-calorie diets but contained a healthy amount of carbohydrates.

Weight loss

Though carbs are often blamed for weight gain, the right kind of carbs can actually help you lose and maintain a healthy weight. This happens because many good carbohydrates, especially whole grains and vegetables with skin contain fiber.

One research followed middle-age women for 20 months and found that participants who ate more fiber lost weight, while those who decreased their fiber intake gained weight.

Good source of nutrients

Whole, unprocessed fruits and vegetables are well known for their nutrient content.

One important, plentiful source of good carbs is whole grains.

A large study found that those eating the most whole grains had gained significantly higher amounts of fiber, energy and polyunsaturated fats, as well as all micronutrients (except vitamin B12 and sodium).

Vitamin B12 can found in red meat, like beef meat, and nori-a sea weed produced in Japan. Sodium is dietary mineral sodium found mostly in salt-salt consists of 40% sodium, and 60% of chloride.

An additional study found that whole grains, brown rice contain antioxidants, which were previously thought only to exist almost exclusively in fruits and vegetables.

When young and older adults subjects doubled their usual intake of fruits, vegetables from 5 to 10 serving a day, they experienced substantial increases in blood antioxidant after 15 days.

If you do like Asian and Mediterranean way of eating, for example, you eat bread -black bread better than white bread-covered by extra virgin olive oil, and smother it with a lightly fried mix of vegetables that includes onion, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli, tomato, you get abundant of antioxidant, fiber and nutrient rich treat that not only much healthier, but also far tastier.

Heart health

Fiber also helps to lower cholesterol

The digestive process requires bile acids, which are made partly with cholesterol. As your digestion improves, the liver pulls cholesterol from the blood to create more bile acid, thereby reducing the amount of LDL, the “bad” cholesterol.

Those who ate more than 16 grams of whole grains daily had lower bad-cholesterol levels than those who took the statins without eating the whole grains. Statins are cholesterol-lowering medicines.

You eat enough carbs, like rice, bread, fruits, vegetables, fiber is better than you take statin medicine.

5-Not getting enough carbs can cause problems.

If you eat not enough carbs, like rice, bread, starch, you get sick.

Without sufficient fuel-carbs, the body gets no energy. Additionally, without sufficient glucose, the central nervous system suffers, which may cause dizziness or mental and physical weakness.

Not enough carbs make your body can not produce enough serotonin as said above, then make you feel anxiety, nervous, cannot sleep well, headaches, GI irregularity, and fatigue.

What are GI? GI is gastrointestinal diseases. Lack of carbs will cause you to get Gastrointestinal diseases, affects the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. There are two types: functional and structural. Some examples include nausea/vomiting, food poisoning, lactose intolerance and diarrhea.

And a deficiency of glucose from carbs, or low blood sugar, is called hypoglycemia.

A low blood sugar level, or hypoglycaemia, or a “hypo”, is where the level of sugar (glucose) in your blood drops too low.

It mainly affects people with diabetes, especially if they have to inject insulin into their body every day. A low blood sugar level can be dangerous if it’s not treated quickly, you may feel faint, weak, dizzy, and close to losing consciousness.

But you can usually treat it easily yourself, by eating sweet, like candy, banana.

People who don’t consume enough carbohydrates may also suffer from insufficient fiber, which can cause digestive problems and constipation.

Eskimos people live in North Canada, Alaska follow a very high protein diet, they eat mostly meat, and fat from seal, fish, and mostly fresh, raw meat-fat-blood, no cooking, but they are low in fresh plant, carbs, no bread, no grain, no rice, no starch, due to lack of these foods in these areas. They are perfect healthy when they are young. But they get aging quick, and have lower bone density, and an earlier and faster bone loss than people of modernized society.

People with very low carb diet will deliver a marked acid load to the kidney, increase the risk for stone formation, decrease estimated calcium balance, and increase the risk for bone loss.

Who got stone in kidney should eat more carbs, less meat, fish.

6-But too much carbs also not good for your health.

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates is associated with weight gain and an increased risk of the development of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, and make you weaker, body smaller, immune system weaker, you prone to get any kind of disease.

Recently research found that primitive people lived before agriculture had bigger body than modernized people body, their skeleton taller, bigger, stronger us now. Reason is that they ate more meat, fat, marron than us now. Since human being develop agriculture, develop wheat, grain, rice, oaks, vegetables, fruits, we ate carbs more than meat, then our body also getting smaller, weaker, and we easier to get disease than our ancestors.

Our plants now are less nutrition than primitive period, and meats by tamed, grains, fruits also less nutrition than wild meat, wild grain, wild fruits that primitive ate.

Too much meat is not good.

Too much fat is not good.

Too much carbs are not good.

Only vegetables of vegan are not good.

Too much fruits are not good.

Eat balanced foods, enough carbs, fiber, enough vegetables, fruits, enough meat, fat, eggs is good for our health. ///

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