Healing without medicine: lesson 4: dropsy man with a kidney and liver malfunction

A man of 61 years-old with a kidney and liver malfunction came to doctor Bieler. He had been bedridden for 2 years for his heavy dropsy of his legs and abdomen. His abdomen was too big, too dropsy. His urine had the consistency of thick, dark molasses, was loaded with pus, albumen, casts.

He constantly lied on the bed, let his saliva to run down from his mouth, staring into the void space. His blood pressure was so high 210/110. He had great difficult to breath, due mainly to the pressure against his diaphragm from the fluid in his dropsy belly.

But when his family brought him to the clinic of doctor Bieler, he seems to be a tough man, determined to get well.

That’s mainly because of his daughter. He was very lucky to have a very good daughter, she took care of him 24/24 hours a day by most loving and meticulous way.

His dietary history has shown that he had been a heavy starch and dessert eater. He ate too much food like pastries, cakes, cookies, sweets with every meal, except breakfast, for many years until he got extremely dropsy on his legs, abdomen, and so ailment that he can not do anything, just be bedridden.

Firstly, doctor Bieler applied a needle to drain his ascites from his abdomen and his legs, which filled up 5 gallons washtub. When all his ascites fluid had drained, his abdominal skin was so flabby that it was possible to feel the bowels, liver and spleen. The liver was size of a large orange, hard, and nodular, intensely cirrhotic-an orange-brown colour.

Then doctor Bieler advised his daughter to prepare food for him every day as follow:

-First several weeks, diluted fruit juices only.

After 3 weeks on this diet, his edema of his legs had subsided, but the ascites fluid gradually to reaccumulate. His urine became light colored, the albumen reduced to one-plus. The casts disappeared.

Then doctor Bieler advised his daughter to gradually fed him with balanced food, like easily digestible meats, cooked vegetables and raw vegetables, salad, fruits.

But no starch, no sweet of any kind.

He first got an angry with this strict diet, but with his daughter’s consistent and tender care, he finally to accept this strict diet.

After 6 months, he was albumen-free, and able to play with his grandson.

His abdomen still needs a draining of ascites fluid once a month, in first year. Each time again it filled up 5 gallons of washtub. But at that time he began to do light gardening, housing jobs. It like the exercising for him.

On the second year, his draining of his ascites fluid reduced to every 2 months.

On the third year, every 3 months, and quantity of fluid reduced to 1 or 2 gallons each time.

After 4 years, he did not need draining anymore.

But one accident happened to him.

Doctor Bieler little bit wandered whether he will get umbilical hernia, because a huge amount of ascites fluid for long time existed inside his abdomen makes his abdominal wall weak.

One day, with positive spirit of recovering, he lifted too heavy rock in his garden.

2 days later, he got strangulated umbilical hernia.

He was brought to doctor Bieler clinic, and doctor Bieler had surgery for him, but doctor Bieler keep not remove any bowel, also not remove small intestine, although small intestine had a dark-blue color.

After this surgery, this man made a rapid recovery, lives healthy and works hard.

20 years later, he met doctor Bieler, healthy, his liver regained a normal size, and the hardness has disappeared. ///

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