Funny Story: Driving in the highway

-Ms. Akina, Humancom school told this story in a Vietnamese class in Tokyo.

In Wakayama Prefecture, there is an old man over 70 years old who just passed the exam to get his driver’s license.

He was very happy, driving everywhere every day.

His wife was very worried and told him:

-Hey, grandpa, you’re old, you can’t drive. If you like to drive by car, call a taxi, don’t drive yourself, it’s very dangerous.

But the old man still stubbornly argued:

-Oh, grandma, you’re old, you don’t understand anything. Driving is a great pleasure, just like Sun Wukong in the Chinese story Journey to the West, meaning driving is like riding on the clouds and returning on the wind. Terribly happy.

When the wife heard that, she became even more worried and said:

-Grandpa, if you drive like a going out on the cloud, going home on the wind, one day you will cause an accident. Either you will crash into people, or people will crash into you. So, you should quit and not drive anymore.

-Oh, this old lady doesn’t understand anything, just try my car, I’ll take you for a ride, you’ll see that I drive very well, never violate traffic laws, never cause trouble, never get traffic accidents.

Hearing that, the wife shook her head in defeat, unable to convince her stubborn husband to stop driving. And she never dared to get into her husband’s car.

The husband wondered why the wife never got into his car. The wife said:

-If you drive like a fly on the cloud and wind, I wouldn’t dare climb into your car. One day I’ll have an accident and we’ll be in miserable.

The husband immediately said to his wife:

-OK, then now I will drive on the highway to show you, I drive according to traffic laws, tonight I will return home safely to show you, so you can rest assured, no worry anymore, then next time you will get in my car, I’ll drive you out for fun.

Then the husband got in the car, drove to the highway, and pressed the accelerator, driving at a speed of more than 80 km per hour, in accordance with the provisions of Japan’s Traffic Law, which means that drivers on the highway must travel at a fast speed of 80 km/ 1 hour.

The wife worriedly watched her husband’s car disappear into the lane of cars on the highway.

Moments later, she heard an announcement on the radio that there is a car going on the highway, but going in the opposite direction. The police are trying to stop that car, but do not know how to do it, how to stop that car.

The wife was very worried, so she called her husband to remind him to drive carefully:

-Hey, hello, hello, sir, are you driving on the highway?

-Yes, I’m driving on the highway.

-Hey, I heard the radio announcing that there is a car going on the highway, but going in the opposite direction. Be careful not to get hit by a that car going in the opposite direction.

– Oh, don’t worry. I never drive in the wrong direction. Now, I’m the only one driving in the right direction, and all the other cars are going in the opposite direction. They drove so recklessly, all going in the opposite direction from me. You should call to the police and told them to send their patrol cars out to stop those who were violating traffic laws and driving in the wrong direction on the highway. It’s too dangerous.

At this point, the wife heard a loud “bang” sound on the phone, and the phone was turned off.///

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