To Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director of WHO: Stop stupid advices

How Vietnamese soldiers can help American POW with social distancing?

Hello, Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO-World Health Organization.

Perhaps you already known me, because I have emailed you several times to suggest solutions to prevent corona COVID19, but you never reply.

Now, November 2022, it has been 3 years since the corona pandemic broke out, and it has also been 3 years since you and your WHO- world health organization, delivered 6 tips to the world, to prevent the corona pandemic, but no use: wash hands, wear mask, vaccine, stay home, social distancing, lock down. Continue reading

Treatment without drugs, lesson 6: insomnia

W.Minh Tuan

Vitamin B6, B12, zinc, rich omega-3 salmon fish, morning exercise, sun exposure, running, muscle training-resistant exercise, consistent exercise, smile are panacea, miracle medicine for insomnia.

In the world, insomnia is increasing, because of increasingly modern society, living more and more indiscriminately, not in moderation, eating unnaturally, eating a lot of processed, canned and bottled foods, fried food, boiled, stewed, less green vegetables, sit down too much, sedentary, rarely out in the sun, addicted to the internet, addicted to iphone, addicted to watching Netflix movies, and tabaco, coffee, beer, alcohol,,,. Continue reading

Treatment of diseases without medicine, lesson 5: Healing diarrhea

La diep ca-chomeleon leaves

W.Minh Tuan

Two months ago, on August 2022, I had severe diarrhea.

I ate the raw oyster, because I thought it was like eating  susi-raw fish in Japan. I had watched the movie “Mr.Bean’s Holiday”, in that movie I saw Mr.Bean eating raw lobster, raw oyster, it seemed okay. In fact, Mr.Bean only ate 1 raw oyster, then dumped the remaining raw oysters into the handbag of a woman sitting nearby. Continue reading

How did the stupid practice of bloodletting kill the first president of America George Washington?


In the book tittles “The complete books of US President”,, author Bill Yenne, published by Zenth Press, 2016,  had wrote about the death of the president George Washington, the first President of United State of America as follow:

“In December 12, 1999, Washington became ill while inspecting his property during a sleet storm and died two days later at the age of 67. His actual cause of death is the subject of speculation, although bloodletting, then a common practice, is believed to have contributed greatly, because around half of his blood was drained during a short period of time.” Continue reading

Healing without medicine: lesson 4: dropsy man with a kidney and liver malfunction

A man of 61 years-old with a kidney and liver malfunction came to doctor Bieler. He had been bedridden for 2 years for his heavy dropsy of his legs and abdomen. His abdomen was too big, too dropsy. His urine had the consistency of thick, dark molasses, was loaded with pus, albumen, casts.

He constantly lied on the bed, let his saliva to run down from his mouth, staring into the void space. His blood pressure was so high 210/110. He had great difficult to breath, due mainly to the pressure against his diaphragm from the fluid in his dropsy belly. Continue reading

Healing without medicine: lesson 3: a woman soon to live on a wheel chair-but no


This story happened about 70 years ago, in doctor Bieler clinic.

A 55 years-old woman visited doctor Bieler, she complained she was on extreme depression, she wants to suicide, and if not, she was soon live on a wheel chair.

She was overweight, heavy coffee drunk, about 20 cups of coffee a day, heavy smoked, ate much meat, starches, canned fruit, and sweets, chocolate, never exercise, never take walk, mostly sit down, rarely go out for outdoor activity. Continue reading

Ăn uống cân bằng-Bài 2: chất béo, mỡ


Đầu thế kỷ 20, các nhà khoa học cho rằng cơ thể có nhiều cholesterol sẽ dẫn đến một loạt các loại bệnh tật, như tim mạch, béo phì, đái đường,,,.

Từ đó các nhà khoa học đưa ra kết luận rất sai lầm rằng có 2 loại chất béo, là chất béo xấu, không tốt, độc hại, có trong mỡ động vật, và chất béo tốt, không độc hại, có trong dầu thực vật, và các nhà khoa học khuyến cáo không nên ăn nhiều mỡ động vật, mà nên ăn nhiều dầu thực vật thì có lợi cho sức khỏe hơn. Continue reading

Eat a balanced diet- Post 2: Fat, lipid


In the early 20th century, scientists thought that having a high cholesterol in the body would lead to a variety of diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes,,,.

Since then, scientists have come to the very wrong conclusion that there are 2 types of fat, that are bad fat, not good, toxic fat, found in animal fat, and good fat, non-toxic, found in vegetable oil, and scientists recommend not to eat a lot of animal fat, but to eat more vegetable oil, which is more beneficial to health. Continue reading

Lợi ích tuyệt vời của ánh nắng mặt trời đối với sức khỏe

Under sunshine and sakura flower

Nếu bạn phơi nắng quá lâu hàng ngày, làm việc ngoài trời nắng to quá lâu, thì sẽ có hại cho da của bạn, bạn sẽ bị già lão hóa nhanh, và có thể bị ung thư da, do tia cực tím trong ánh nắng mặt trời làm hủy hoại da của bạn.

Nhưng nếu bạn phơi nắng, hay làm việc ngoài trời nắng thời gian vừa phải, ví dụ buổi sáng khoảng dưới 1 tiếng, buổi chiều khoảng dưới 1 tiếng, thì lại là điều tuyệt vời cho sức khỏe của bạn. Continue reading

Great benefits of sunshine for health

Playing outdoor on the beach, under sun set is good for health

If you are exposed to the sun for too long time every day, working in the sun for too long, it will be harmful to your skin, you will get aging quickly, and can get skin cancer, due to ultraviolet rays in the sun. The sun damages your skin.

But if you sunbathe, or work in the sun for a moderate time, for example, less than 1 hour in the morning, less than 1 hour in the afternoon, it is great benefit for your health. Continue reading