Eat a balanced diet- Post 2: Fat, lipid


In the early 20th century, scientists thought that having a high cholesterol in the body would lead to a variety of diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes,,,.

Since then, scientists have come to the very wrong conclusion that there are 2 types of fat, that are bad fat, not good, toxic fat, found in animal fat, and good fat, non-toxic, found in vegetable oil, and scientists recommend not to eat a lot of animal fat, but to eat more vegetable oil, which is more beneficial to health. Continue reading

Great benefits of sunshine for health

Playing outdoor on the beach, under sun set is good for health

If you are exposed to the sun for too long time every day, working in the sun for too long, it will be harmful to your skin, you will get aging quickly, and can get skin cancer, due to ultraviolet rays in the sun. The sun damages your skin.

But if you sunbathe, or work in the sun for a moderate time, for example, less than 1 hour in the morning, less than 1 hour in the afternoon, it is great benefit for your health. Continue reading

Drugs, medicines may harmful to you more than you thought

This nurse is too fat, she should be treated, not treats for other

I have a friend, a Japanese teacher, he has 3 children, 2 boys, one girl. Small boy is very healthy, always smiled, vigorous active, smart. All my friend family had been came to my home several times, they were very enjoyed.

The one day, my friend said that because his son was hyperactive, he has brought him to hospital to check, then doctors gave some medicines to a boy, told him to  swallow pill every day to be more calmer.

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