The great health benefits of meat, beef which the US Department of Health does not know.

W.Minh Tuan (compiled from sources around the world)

  1. Slimming, reduce fat, no more obesity:

The US Department of Health recommends that beef is  red meat, which is not good for health.

Any meat, beef, chicken meat, pork meat, fish, egg are good for health. And beef is the best.

The US Department of Health advises people not to eat more than 70 grams of red meat a day, because red meat – beef, lamb – causes cancer, increases bad cholesterol, causes obesity, causes cardiovascular disease, and causes high blood pressure, causes diabetes, causes skin diseases,,,. Continue reading

Oxalate poisoning, with chocolate, tea, sweets were harmful to the England’s Queen Anne, and to an American politician Franklin Benjamin

Minh Tuan-(from news around the world).

Anne (6 February 1665 – 1 August 1714) was Queen of Great Britain and Ireland following the ratification of the Acts of Union on 1 May 1707, which annexed the Scottish kingdoms to England. Before that, she was Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland from 8 March 1702. Continue reading

7 foods that help increase the amount of Keratin in our body, make hair black, smooth, shiny, beautify skin and nails, and improve immune system.

W.Minh Tuan-(based on a variety of information)

Keratin is a structural protein found in your hair, skin, and nails. Keratin is especially important for maintaining the structure of your skin, supporting wound healing, and keeping your hair and nails healthy. Continue reading

Unwise, harmful advices from many ignorant doctors in disease prevention, vaccination, health improvement, and body resistance

W.Minh Tuan

Try surfing the web on issues of disease prevention, health improvement, and enhancing the body’s resistance, you will find a lot of advices from so-called doctors and experts, medical expert, health expert, scientist, with all the prestigious labels, such as professor, doctorate, world-famous scientist, then expert of the World Health Organization WHO,,,and they are working in, or are the owners of, medical companies, pharmaceutical companies, or laboratories, hospitals, private clinics,,,.So that they can prove that they are having success in the practice of medical examination and treatment, then they giving out advices on health issues, treatment, and disease prevention. Continue reading

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy should understand that proposing a ceasefire with Russia and maintaining the status quo does not mean surrender

W.Minh Tuan

In the early days of January 2024, respected President Zelenskyy of Ukraine actively visited small neighboring countries, such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia to convince these countries to continue supporting Ukraine in the war fight against the Russian invaders. Continue reading

The American press has changed its tone, from bad words on Mr. Trump, now to brazenly admitting that “We predicted correctly, Mr. Trump won big in Iowa.”

W.Minh Tuan

Since the beginning of 2023, when America begins the US Presidential election campaigns, preparing for the Presidential election in November 2024, I have noticed that 99.9% of the US press, mass media has the following trends: Continue reading

To Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director of WHO: Stop stupid advices

How Vietnamese soldiers can help American POW with social distancing?

Hello, Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO-World Health Organization.

Perhaps you already known me, because I have emailed you several times to suggest solutions to prevent corona COVID19, but you never reply.

Now, November 2022, it has been 3 years since the corona pandemic broke out, and it has also been 3 years since you and your WHO- world health organization, delivered 6 tips to the world, to prevent the corona pandemic, but no use: wash hands, wear mask, vaccine, stay home, social distancing, lock down. Continue reading

Chúng ta phải thay đổi cách sống để khỏe mạnh hơn, thì mới có thể chiến thắng được corona.

Chúng ta có thể đếm được có bao nhiêu người nhiễm và chết bởi corona COVID19, nhưng không thể đếm xuể những thiệt hại to lớn do chính sách chạy trốn khỏi corona do WHO đề ra, như ở nhà-stay home, phong tỏa-lock down, xa lánh xã hội-social distancing, đeo khẩu trang-wear masks, rửa tay-wash hand, nhưng không rửa khẩu trang, và tiêm vắc xin. Continue reading