Cooking oil, vegetable oils are very harmful to health

Too much cooking oils on this dish

About 100 years ago, scientists thought that eating a lot of animal fat would cause cardiovascular diseases, excess cholesterol, high blood pressure, and all sorts of other diseases.

Since then, people began to look for vegetable oils-cooking oils to replace animal fat.

Vegetable oil production companies were boomed rapidly, producing dozens of types of vegetable oils, such as:

-Rice oil

-Coconut oil

-Sunflower oil

-Soybean oil

-Almond oil

-Sesame oil

-Peanuts oil

-And olive oil, which has existed for thousands of years in the Mediterranean diet, is said to be the best of all of the vegetable oils.

And so on.

Every company goes out of their way to advertise the healthy nutritional ingredients of these oils!!!

The doctors, although not learning anything about nutrition and eating, also used the name of doctors’ expertise to encourage people to use vegetable oils.

The doctors and experts with their poor, shoddy research also encourage people to eat cooking oil, vegetables oils.

Up to now, the whole world, more than 80% of humanity uses vegetable oil, vegetable oil production companies make immeasurable profits.

Then recently, scientists suddenly found that the rate of diseases in the world suddenly increased with the rate of vegetable oil consumption.

All kinds of strange diseases appeared, cardiovascular disease, brain disease, madness, diabetes, dermatology-skin,,,, .

And after a lot of research, experiment, compared with groups of people using vegetable oil, and not using vegetable oil, it was found that the group of people who used vegetable oil had much more diseases than the group that did not use vegetable oil.

  1. Vegetable oil contains a lot of omega-6 linoleic acid, which is very harmful to health

Both omega-6 and omega-3 are polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. These two substances enter the body in a certain ratio and are used to make substances called eicosanoids. Eicosanoids made from omega-3 have anti-inflammatory effects, but if made from omega-6, they have an inflammatory effect.

Vegetable oils contain a huge amount of omega-6 while the amount of omega 3 is very low, creating an imbalance in the distribution of omega 3 and omega 6.

As a result, it produces more inflammatory substances. For those with chronic inflammatory conditions such as joint, heart, kidney, or systemic disease, this is bad news.

  1. Linoleic acid accumulates in fat cells and cell membranes

Dr. Stephen Guyenet, who studied cells, found that linoleic levels gradually increased in fat cells and cell membranes from 1960 to 2010. This is very disturbing news because linoleic is an inflammatory substance in cells.

  1. Eating a lot of omega-6 causes increased oxidative stress and impaired endothelial cell function

Omega-6 linoleic acid is easily destroyed by free radicals, so when the amount of free radicals is too large, it will not be neutralized, causing oxidative stress.

Studies show that eating a lot of omega 6 causes this condition, especially sunflower oils, and also reduces the amount of NO produced by endothelial cells, which causes blood vessel constriction.

Eating a lot of vegetable oils, including olive oil, also increases inflammatory substances in cells. Endothelial dysfunction is the primary cause of cardiovascular and vascular damage.

  1. Vegetable oil helps lower LDL cholesterol but also lowers HDL -good cholesterol

Everyone thinks that vegetable oil is a good food because it helps to reduce bad LDL cholesterol. However, this is only a reduction in risk factors, not prevention of the disease. Meanwhile, vegetable oil also causes a lot of reduction in HDL cholesterol (good fat) and studies also show that reducing HDL will increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Vegetable oils increase oxidized LDL cholesterol

The essence of the word LDL is low density lipoprotein (low-weight lipid-carrying protein) responsible for carrying cholesterol.

An important next step is that LDL will be oxidized and the oxidized form of LDL will be deposited in the walls of blood vessels and cause cardiovascular complications. Studies show that unsaturated fatty acids from vegetable oils will create a form of LDL that is very easily oxidized.

  1. Scientific studies on the relationship between vegetable oils and cardiovascular disease

There are a number of objective studies that have divided control groups (vegetable and non-oil based) that have produced rather conflicting results. There are 3 studies, showing no difference, 2 studies showing that vegetable oils have good effects but have many disadvantages including using multiple polyunsaturated fatty acids together, even though they are I say omega-3 and omega-6 are the same but different in effect.

One meta-study found that eating vegetable oils increased the risk of cardiovascular disease by 16%.

  1. Disaster when cooking vegetable oil

It won’t be a big deal if you mix it up with salad oils for example, but when you heat vegetable oil (which is so common) it very quickly turns into oxidizing compounds, these compounds are very toxic and when inhaled with large amounts put you at risk of lung cancer.

The high-risk group is professional cooks, who cook every day.

  1. Vegetable oils increase the risk of cancer

Oxidants from vegetable oils will accumulate in cell membranes, causing damage to proteins and DNA, Morton’s study published in the Lancet in 1971, followed for an 8-year period, found that the group that ate vegetable oil increased the risk of cancer 2 times more.

Several animal fed vegetable oils studies have also shown similar results.

  1. Vegetable oils increase violent behavior, madness.

Vegetable oil products will be deposited in brain cells. The brain is actually an organization that contains 80% of fats, the majority of which are omega-3 and omega-6.

Obviously, the very high omega-6 content in vegetable oils will compete with omega-3s in the brain and cause functional changes. Several studies have shown a strong link between omega-6s and violent behavior including murder, madness.

  1. Vegetable oil – zero in nutritional value

Most vegetable oils are products of extraction, filtration, deodorization, and toxic hexane products.

The vitamins and minerals are completely lost during processing to make oils.

  1. Vegetable oils containing many trans fats – Transfat

These are essentially unsaturated fats but are chemically processed to create solid fats. This type of fat is commonly used in processed foods. They’re so toxic that governments have had to put in place laws to keep them out of the food they’re selling.

In fact, vegetable oils contain a lot of these substances but are never stated on the label.


Vegetable oils contain a lot of omega-6 linoleic acid and are not considered healthy products. Using vegetable oils today is controversial but also not quite as rosy as people think.

There is only one type of vegetable oil that is probably healthy is olive oil, but should not be used for cooking, only fresh form should be used in salads.

And don’t use too much olives in salads.

You can use boiled eggs, avocado, boiled fatty meat, cheese, butter in salad vegetables, to increase the digestion of vitamins in salad vegetables, such as lettuce, tomato, cucumber,,,,, without the need of using olive oil.

Although olive oil is supported by many opinions, it is also a processing oil, not a natural product, not a fresh product, should not be overconsumed. ////

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