Great benefits of sunshine for health

Playing outdoor on the beach, under sun set is good for health

If you are exposed to the sun for too long time every day, working in the sun for too long, it will be harmful to your skin, you will get aging quickly, and can get skin cancer, due to ultraviolet rays in the sun. The sun damages your skin.

But if you sunbathe, or work in the sun for a moderate time, for example, less than 1 hour in the morning, less than 1 hour in the afternoon, it is great benefit for your health.

If you are afraid of sunburn, then just 15 minutes of sun exposure in the morning, 15 minutes in the afternoon, no hat, no sunglasses, no shelter under the shade of trees, the sun will gives you a lot of benefits.

Skin cancer-melanoma 

Before going to the benefits of sunshine, I would like to tell you about skin cancer, so if you understand how to treat and avoid skin cancer, you will feel self-confident to go outdoor for sunshine exposure moderately to get great benefits from sunshine.

There are many kinds of skin cancers, and melanoma is skin cancer often develops because of prolonged exposure to sunshine with strong UV-ultraviolet, like you do sunbath for too long time, play long time on the beach with strong sunshine, using of tanning bed for too long. Melanoma can develop in existing mole or a freckle, or within normal appearing skin, or can be pink, red, purple, or the same color as the skin.

Malignant melanoma is another name of this skin cancer.

Aging people from 60, 70, 80 are more likely to get melanoma.

White skin people like Caucasians with ret or blond hair, and blue or green eyes are 20 times more melanoma than black skin people and Asian people, and Hispanics people. 1 in 38 Caucasian white skin people risk of melanoma, but black people is 1 in 1000, Hispanics is 1 in 172.

Reasons of melanoma are:

  • Lack of vitamin D. Caucasians white skin people live in area lack of sunshine, and sunshine help body to produce vitamin D. White skin means people exposure to sunshine too little, so that body cannot produce enough vitamin D, then it will be a reason to get melanoma-skin cancer.
  • Too much exposure to sunshine leads to sunburns, and several times of very bad sunburns in your whole life will risk melanoma.
  • Weakened immune system due to aging-60, 70, 80 year-olds, or HIV/AIDS, or wrong diet system, or take medication too long that destroy immune system.

You can avoid and treat melanoma by not too much exposure to sunshine, and by your proper diet system.

1-About 1 hour in the morning, and 1 hour in the afternoon exposure to sunshine, your face, hands, foots, or whole body,  are enough for you to get enough sunshine, to help your body to produce enough vitamin D for your body.

2-Do not foolish follow, listen to advices of stupid doctors, stupid specialists to take any supplements, like vitamin D, A, C, E, K, B supplements, it is artificial factors, not good for your health. Should eat natural foods that have these vitamins.

What are good foods for your skin?

  • You should eat food rich of vitamin A-also called retinol, as fish, milk, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, avocado salad, lettuces, carrots, yellow/orange fruits like orange, lemon, sweet potato, tomato, olive oil. If you eat avocado, tomato with olive oil every day, can led to 20%-30% reduced risk of melanoma.
  • You also should eat food rich with selenium, like sesame, sunflower seeds, shrimps, lobster, milk, whole wheat, brown rice, barley, oats. Keep in mind that high dose supplements of this selenium is danger, leading to a high risk of cancer of any kind, and to diabetes. You should keep in mind that NO SUPPLEMENTS, only natural foods.
  • Eat fruits that have Ellagic Acid. Ellagic acid may well be among best weapons to fight skin cancer and any other cancer. Ellagic acid is found in strawberry, blueberry, walnut, pecans.
  • Eat meat, cheese, butter with moderate amount, not too much, not too little. Enough meat and fat will help your body stronger, with strong immune system to fight any diseases. Too much meat also risk to get cancer, too little meat and fat also risk to get disease and cancer. About 1gr meat and fat a day for per 1kg of your body weight is good ratio for your health.
  • Eat food rich in Beta-glucans. These beta-glucans are abundant in fiber-rich foods such as cereal grains, mushroom, lotus root, sweet potato.
  • Eat enough vitamin C, E which abundant in lemon, orange, green bean sprout, broccoli, zucchini,,,
  • Avoid alcohol, canned food, dried foods, out dated foods, soft drink. Eat fresh foods as much as you can.

With these things keep in mind and doing, eating daily life, you will feel self-confidant to go out to enjoy sunshine every day, and get benefits of sunshine as follow:

Great benefits of sunshine

The simple thing you can see for yourself is that people who are outdoors a lot are healthier than people who are mostly indoors.

So the World Health Organization-WHO- advises people to stay at home to combat corona COVID19 is too foolish, too stupid, too crazy, because staying at home a lot makes people weaker, and therefore more susceptible to corona.

In Tokyo, more than 70% of people with corona are stay-at-home people.

But so far WHO still refuses to admit its mistake.

Scientists have researched, and listed here 20 amazing benefits of sunlight for your health.

  1. Good for mental health

Sunlight has the ability to promote the production of serotonin – a chemical transmitter that plays a role in stabilizing mood. Therefore, designing a living space with lots of natural light will be very good for the mental health of those living in that space. In addition, many studies suggest that serotonin is also effective in treating depression and anxiety.

That is why bright house is good for bright character, positive, active people.

Dark house is for dark people, with distress, bad moods, bad character.

  1. The effect of sunlight in preventing cancer

In fact, excessive sun exposure can cause skin cancer. However, if you are exposed to this light source in moderation, it will bring many benefits. This includes the prevention of some types of sun cancer.

According to a study, people who live in areas with too little sunlight during the day have an increased risk of developing cancers such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma, colon cancer and ovarian cancer.

  1. Strengthens the Immune System

When the body is exposed to sunlight, the number of white blood cells (lymphocytes) tends to increase. These cells play an important role in the body’s defense-immunity against infections and diseases.

  1. Sunlight helps bones stay strong

Ultraviolet rays in the sun will promote the production of vitamin D, stimulate the absorption of calcium. This helps promote bone health. Children who do not get enough vitamin D can develop rickets-a disease characterized by imperfect calcification, softening, and distortion of the bones, typically resulting in bow legs of children.

Meanwhile, elderly people who lack vitamin D from the sun are more prone to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

  1. Heal skin diseases

UV radiation light therapy is an extremely effective treatment for a number of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, and acne.

  1. Improved vision

The effect of sunlight has been shown to reduce myopia-short sightedness- in children. Studies also show that nearsightedness often develops in people who are often indoors and rarely participate in outdoor activities.

  1. The sun’s brain-boosting effects

Vitamin D not only promotes bone health, but also plays an important role in maintaining brain function. Studies have shown that sunlight can help stimulate the growth of cells in the hippocampus – the part of the forebrain responsible for the formation of arrangements and keep memories.

  1. Lowers blood cholesterol

Sunlight has the ability to convert cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones and other hormones needed for reproduction. If the body does not absorb enough sunlight, the opposite process will take place. This causes substances to be converted to cholesterol, increasing cholesterol in the blood.

  1. Stimulate the growth process in children

Exposing children to the sun for the right amount of time (15–30 minutes at an appropriate time) will help stimulate the baby’s growth and development, especially in the first years of life. Reports show that the amount of sunlight a baby’s body absorbs in the first few months after birth has an effect on a child’s adult height.

  1. Lowers blood pressure

When sunlight is exposed to the skin, a compound called nitric oxide is released into the blood vessels. This compound helps lower blood pressure. As a result, you will reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

  1. Sunlight improves sleep quality

Sunlight has the ability to affect the production of the hormone melatonin. This hormone plays an important role in the regulation of sleep and the body’s circadian rhythm.

When sunlight hits your eyes, a message is sent to your brain telling you to stop producing the hormone melatonin. This keeps you awake to study and work during the day.

When it gets dark, a signal will be sent to the brain to start the production of melatonin, helping us fall asleep more easily and sleep better.

  1. Helps keep teeth healthy

Vitamin D, which is produced during exposure to sunlight, plays a role in promoting the production of calcium – the main building block of both teeth and bones. Not only that, this vitamin has also been shown to help control gum disease by promoting healthy growth and fighting inflammation of the gums.

  1. Prevents Multiple Sclerosis

People with a family history of multiple sclerosis-abnormal hardening of body tissue, impairment of speech, blurred vision, severe fatigue, numbness– should build a healthy and nutritious diet. In particular, they need to make sure to absorb the full amount of vitamin D the body needs by regularly to expose body to the sunlight. A well-functioning immune system will help increase your chances of preventing multiple sclerosis.

  1. Increases blood oxygen levels

Sunlight is also effective in helping to deliver oxygen to the tissues in the body. It has the same effect as exercise. This benefit will have positive effects on endurance, fitness as well as muscle growth.

  1. The effect of sunlight in weight loss

Sunlight delivers energy and vitamin D to the body’s cells. This helps to speed up the process of signaling to retain or burn fat. According to research, sunlight can help promote weight loss up to 70% faster.

  1. Improve the condition of atherosclerotic disease

Sunlight will penetrate deep into the skin tissues, helping to clean the blood vessels. Many studies conducted in Europe have demonstrated that people with atherosclerosis-deposition of fatty material on the inner walls of arteries– showed signs of improvement in their condition after they were exposed to sunlight.

  1. Sunlight Helps Relieve Asthma Symptoms

According to experts, spending time in the sun is the best way to treat asthma. This is because vitamin D can help reduce the symptoms of the disease. Similarly, studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D can make asthma symptoms worse.

  1. Helps relieve muscle soreness.

Vitamin D in sunlight has anti-inflammatory effects. As a result, it can help ease muscle aches and other aches and pains.

  1. Enhance eye health

Studies suggest that getting a few minutes of early sun exposure each day can help fight certain age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration.

  1. Sunshine supports fertility

By boosting vitamin D levels, sunlight boosts fertility in both men and women. Vitamin D is key to balancing female sex hormones. At the same time, it helps to increase testosterone levels in men.

You should get moderate sun exposure every day, every day about 30 minutes in the morning, about 30 minutes in the afternoon, do not use sunglasses, do not use sunscreen, do not wear a hat, is the best way for you to supplement vitamin D and energy quantity for the body.

If you have to work outside in the sun for more than an hour, then you need sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen.

In the winter, when there is little sunshine, you can use an electric light with the same light as the sun to replace the sun, which will have the same effect as sunbathing.

Many companies around the world have equipped artificial bright-light boxes that can emit 5,000-10,000 luxes of light, which equivalent to a sunrise or sunset for their workers who work indoor, lack of sunshine for long.

(lux: the SI unit of illuminance, equal to 1 lumen per square metre. SI: from French language: System International-The international system of units of measurement. Lumen: The SI unit of luminous flux, equal to the amount of light emitted per second in a unit solid angle of 1 steradian from a uniform source of 1 candela).

You also can use this light to read book or watch television for about 30 minutes per day to increase early or late exposure to bright light.///

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